Is my weight normal?

Hi everyone:) I need help! I'm 4 foot 9 inches and weigh 127.0 lbs. Is my weight normal? I hope someone can answer my question:)


  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    well there are several sites online that can tell you what your healthy weight should be :)
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Do you feel that it's right for you? Do you like the way you look nekkid? If you answered yes, then your probably good, if not then work on it.

    % Body Fat is a much better gauge than weight, fit women are typically <30%, but this too varies. We all know BMI can be a bunch of hooey especially if you have a muscular build, but the high end of normal is usually not to far off for most people. I am about the same weight as you 128, but I'm 5'1" and feel I could still loose a little more.

    Good Luck