kettlebell possible from wheelchair?

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
I keep seeing loads of people saying weights are best way to build muscle which in turn burns more calories.

As I'm mostly housebound in isolated village with no accessible gym I do all my exercising at home on the Wii or using DVD's.

I know from seeing it on telly that people usually swing these between their legs but is it possible to do form sitting in wheelchair if could lean forward and swing the weight under the chair (manual chair, footplate removed, so no batteries or anything under chair) onto lap and maybe do some lifting it up with left or right arm in turn?

What else do you do with them can you do any exercises from sitting on the floor with legs out in front of you or anything?

My only other option would maybe sit on one of those machines thats meant to be like sitting on a horse with something to hold onto which is meant to be good for core strength and balance (have ataxia - balance and co-ordination issues)

I'm trying to find something new I can do to shake things up to trim tummy as it's not shrunk as much around abdomen as I wanted.

My only other option was taking something like Lipo6 which I heard and seen good results from particuarly for toning mid section.