Pedometer and logging the exercise.

gousnr Posts: 8
edited November 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, I am on my feet walking around our HUGE plant all day long. I wear a pedometer and clock over 15,000 steps a day. I don't know how many minutes/hours a day or the speed. How can I record this? I also run on the treadmill when I get a chance and I enter this seperately (since I don't wear the pedometer then).




  • Okay, I am on my feet walking around our HUGE plant all day long. I wear a pedometer and clock over 15,000 steps a day. I don't know how many minutes/hours a day or the speed. How can I record this? I also run on the treadmill when I get a chance and I enter this seperately (since I don't wear the pedometer then).


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    If your pedometer has an aerobic steps taken and a normal steps taken like mine I put those in seperately at whatever pace I am working at. I work at a school so my normal steps I put in at leisure for however many minutes I was at school. My aerobic steps show how many minutes and distance so I record those.

    If your pedometer doesn't do that perhaps you can figure what your average pace is and how many hours you have worked at that pace. It is more of a guestimate but I can't see not using them.

    Eve :)
    Nice work on your pedometer by the way.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,243 Member
    Eve 23 ( and everyone),

    I would love to buy a pedometer, but I don't know what to buy.

    Eve, what type is yours? The brand and model if you can would be great. I haven't seen one that is easy to use and can give me an accurate count.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    They due sell pedometers that also count calories, I got mine @ Target for $5 bucks, I have also seen them at Walmart.....
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    My pedometer is an Omron HJ-105. It has the time, steps,miles, aerobic steps and minutes that you are at that pace, it has kcal and grams. It is pretty easy to use and you can set it up without much trouble. You do have to watch the adjustment on it and make sure it is not set to light otherwise you can get steps with a tiny jiggle. But that is the only thing I have found with mine. It have even stood of to getting washed by accident. It cost me about $8.00 with I though was high but it does have alot of features on it others don't.

  • Thanks Eve,

    I have a couple of pedometers. I have the Ormon but since I also have to carry a pager that sometimes is just too much on my waistband. I also have a little tiny one that only measures the steps. I've been just entering it as 2.0 mph and guessing at the time. I set the 15000 rule and promised myself I would get on the treadmill if I I didn't have the 15,000 by 7 pm. It's amazing how much extra walking I will do around the plant just to get out of the treadmill at night... hahahahahaa

    Even the folks at work will walk up and say "How many steps?" It's very encouraging when others know and cheer you on. It also prevents me from being lazy because I don't want to be embarassed about not doing what I said I would do.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Thats true. My pedometer is set at 2.7 but since I work with young kids it rarely reads aerobic steps while I am at work. So I have to work at those in my own time. We have had an amazing move in the school towards being healthy although there are many different ways people are going about it much like it is here.

    For me I have never been comfortable talking about it and this gives me that place to see what others are saying without being to close for comfort. I am learning to be more open to others about it but it isn't easy. So I congratulate you on being so open with others first of all and second on all your progress it is inspiring.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,243 Member
    Eve & gousnr,

    Thanks, you two, for the pedometer info. I posted that question and then went away for a week, and forgot to check all the message boards when I returned. Too bad we can't "search" for our posts - I tend to forget where I've been in the message boards.

  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    No problem Cheryl :)
    I hope the information helps you.

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