I hear this ALL the time...

"Put some meat on those bones."
"Stop eating that crap & eat some real food."
"Here. Have some." *attempts to shove into your mouth.*
"You're SO skinny."
"You exercise way too much."
"Your worrying about this way too much."
"You need to stop."
"This is getting ridiculous."
*sees low fat/ low sugar label* "How do you eat this? It doesnt taste as good as the original."
"You're weird."
"Your obsessed."
"That's not healthy."
"Oh you're busy? Doing what? Working out?"
"I bet all your gonna do this weekend is workout."
"She's not gonna eat that, she's on a diet."


  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    And why do you care what they have to say? :grumble: This is for you. :wink:
  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    ::shrugs:: I don't take any of it personally. It's a way for people to feel better about themselves and their decisions.
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    who said all that to you....??? and I agree with previous post....WHY DO YOU CARE????? This is for you...not for them...you know what you're doing...you're doing the right thing...you do know what your friends are eating...and you know what they look like...you know the statistics....of obesity...stop worrying so much about it...let them talk...count calories when they are not looking...:)) maybe they are jealous...maybe they don't understand...maybe they think they are helping you....DON"T WORRY!!!!
  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    Words hurt sometimes if you want to care of not. No negative remarks to another person about weight or anything else for that matter is expectable or necessary. I have heard:

    IF you keep running you will disappear one day.

    EAT A BURGER! <~ my personal fav LOL MORONS!

    Eat, you probably only weight 90 bls soaking wet.