Going over calorie limit



  • diannemary50
    diannemary50 Posts: 5 Member
    Reading your responses to this question was really good.
    i had stopped counting calories because i was getting so frustrated with
    the 1200 count I now think i will rethink the calorie amount for me and start again
    Thanks Guys !
  • kandyr83
    kandyr83 Posts: 9 Member
    I know this is off topic, but how does everyone get the thing at the bottom that says how many pounds they lost and how many more to go? :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    I'm 139 pounds, 5'4" and my goal weight is 125. I'm trying to stick to 1200 calories a day. For 2.5 weeks I've done this every day, never gone over but I have gone slightly under some days. I exercise 6 days a week for 30-60 mins per day.

    My question is how much difference does it make if you go over your calorie limit just for one day? If I have eaten 1400 today, is it ok to eat 1000 tomorrow to level it out?



    No don't eat (even) less - 1200 is MFP's lowest default minimum anyway.

    You're very close to goal.... set your weekly goal at 1/2 pound and eat half your exercise calories back. Closer to goal, eating enough to support lean muscle becomes more important.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Im 5'2 and i weigh 117.my goal weight is 110 and my calorie limit is 1200.i went over like 60 calories with excercise.i need to know if thats okay.i eat more because ive already been in starvtion mode and i dont want to go back to that.so is eating a little more than your calorie limit okay? Does it make much of a difference?



  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    What have your results been so far? What type of exercise? Based on your height and weight I would automatically say that even without exercise your calories would be closer to 1300 but add-in exercise and it's likely more depending on the intensity. One key to remember is that you want to diet on as many calories as possible for long-term health and weight maintenance.