Weighing more than you look



  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I ignore my BMI. According to it I was almost obese when I wore a size 4! I'm 5"2.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    Almost 100% of people would say you don't need to lose weight, just as they call your children beautiful. It's just being polite. I'm not saying you are overweight, its just that not everyone will tell you that you need to lose weight, specially us females who are so sensitive when it comes to the weight subject. I weight 130lbs, I'm about 5'3" and my size is a 3-4.
  • 1_Slick_Chick
    1_Slick_Chick Posts: 199 Member
    Could it be because there's a huge OBESITY problem? When compared to others, I look great but my BMI indicates I am still over weight too...I like others have noted...want to feel good naked :laugh:
  • Tammi623
    Tammi623 Posts: 113 Member
    Story of my life!! I’m tall (5’9) and I’m build very densely. When I was 17 I went to get my driver’s license. I told the woman 5lbs lower than my actual weight. I spent 5 minutes trying to convince her and my mother (who was sitting beside me) that yes “I do weigh 200lbs” before I just said “ok I actually weigh 205, which one do you want to put on the license.” Sure enough 200lbs was on my license lol

    I agree the BMI is not the best thing to go by. According to my BMI I’m obese and I honestly don’t look “fat,” I just look thick. I compared myself to other girls my height that weigh the same and the difference is ridiculous. Every time I mention losing weight around my friends, who are admittedly way more over weight than I am, they give me the stink eye and criticize me for it. Ugh just because you have more weight to lose than I do does not mean I still don’t need to lose weight or at least be more active to be healthy.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Charts should be used as guidelines only.

    You can three women all the same height with three different weights and all still be healthy. I know someone my height that is barely 100 lbs. She has a very small frame. Tiny little feet too. lol. I would be in the hospital at that weight.

    I look at it like this.....I know what I weighed when I walked around in a bikini with now shame at all and was quite proud of my body. That's all I want again. Just something around that weight again. It most likely would be too much or too little for others. For me it's good.

    There is a huge obesity problem in this country! I totally agree with that. I don't compare myself to others. Depending on who I may next too I might look like a supermodel or a rhino. lol.
  • HazelCaz
    HazelCaz Posts: 48 Member
    I think taller people can distribute the weight. I think I have a thin looking face, arms, and calves. But I carry everything in my belly and upper thighs. My mother is the same way. My problem is also BMI, I don't look that overweight, but my fat percentage is alarming.
  • nicholettebell
    I get the "You're too skinny" comment a lot now. I think it's because people were used to seeing me at 300lbs. Well, of course I look smaller now....I have lost half of me. I do go off the BMI as a gauge. According to the BMI, I am still 5 lbs overweight. But how I feel is different because I actually want to lose a bit more than that.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I get the "You're too skinny" comment a lot now. I think it's because people were used to seeing me at 300lbs. Well, of course I look smaller now....I have lost half of me. I do go off the BMI as a gauge. According to the BMI, I am still 5 lbs overweight. But how I feel is different because I actually want to lose a bit more than that.

    Wow that's a great loss, congratulations
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I think what's more important, is how healthy you are/feel physically, and how you feel about yourself.

    The BMI is meant as a guideline only, and it's not terribly accurate for everyone.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Yep, I hear it all the time!! The look on people's faces when I say I need to lose 30lbs is priceless. I mean... hey thanks, but I AM overweight and I would like to see some support rather then "you'll disappear" and "don't lose those curves"
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    ughh, this is the opposite of my problem. I look SOOOO much more than I weigh :cry:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I weigh over a 1/4 ton but get told I don't look a pound over 450
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm 5'10 so I can gain weight without it being noticed right away, so people never think I weigh as much as i do. Some BMI calculators have me as overweight, though I have a healthy body fat percentage. While I do want to lose I know that you can't take the BMI too seriously.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am told not to lose ANY more weight but I KNOW how much that frickin scale shows me!!! I feel like an imposter!:wink:
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    BMI is rubbish. It needs to be put down.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Here! I do, I do!

    I have a very evenly distributed weight, so I look quite a lot less than I am.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    People always think I weigh less than I do, too. I'm maintaining at 130 now (5'4"), but most people think I weigh between 115 - 120, tops. It's disconcerting to me because I don't perceive myself as looking that thin. And, I really get taken unawares by the "you don't need to lose anymore" and "somebody tell her to eat something" comments.