Advice Needed from Exp. Distance Runners



  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    And so....... it didn't rain afterall!! LOL
  • jcarnes66
    jcarnes66 Posts: 40 Member
    Run. It's rain. Put newspapers in your shoes when you get done and they'll be dry in 24 hours. Running in the rain, when it's not cold out, is awesome.

    Couldn't have said it better myself!! I started running this past April and had many training runs (just ran my first full marathon on Nov 18th) in the rain.....sometimes torrential downpours. I've had runs where I ran through water that was almost halfway up my shins! My feet were soaked but it didn't bother me at all. I found that the further I went, the 'drier' my socks and shoes got (or at least, felt).

    I came across the 'stuffing newspapers in your shoes' trick while reading through a running forum. It works wonderfully!!I Just take out the insoles and stuff them. Mine were almost completely dry within a matter of hours.

    Oh! Wear a lightweight hat too....keeps the rain from getting into your eyes - at least for the most part. :)

    I've found that running in the rain when it's warm outside (as Carson mentioned) can be absolutely exhilarating!!!
  • jcarnes66
    jcarnes66 Posts: 40 Member
    Plus you get extra points for looking super hardcore to the people driving by in cars.

    Or....more accurately (to them)..... super stupid!!! :)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Run in the rain, you won't melt.

    Hot tips:

    - don't overdress, clothes will get HEAVY - unless it is crazy cold, I always wear shorts in the rain
    - lube up, heavy wet clothes = extra chaffing
    - have warm/dry clothes waiting as soon as you finish
    - don't jump into a hot shower if you are fight hypothermia - wrap up in a blanket, sit by a heater and drink hot tea to get your core warmed back
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    I think when it is time to run, go run. Doesn't matter what the weather is. The reason is if you train in cold, heat, rain, hail, snow, etc, then you will be ready for whatever a race might bring. I have ran in a lighting storm where I could see the color of rain. That is not smart, but it was exhilerating when it was over. As others have said, running in rain can be fun. Only problem is when it is cold and raining.

    Good luck!