New to this site.

Hi I just started on this site a few days ago and am really happy with my initial results. I have to get down to 160 lbs, so I think that's around 11 stone, so I can get an operation. The doctors said as it's not an emergency that they wouldn't agree to it til I lost the weight because of possible complications and as it's a hernia the healing process could be hindered by my weight.

I tried Slimming World and while it was easy to follow, the diet seemed very odd and I was only losing one pound a week and while I don't want to lose weight drastically I also don't want to wait another 134 weeks to get my operation. I lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks with them, I have lost 7 pounds since I started on here without feeling like I was starving.

My husband is also using this site to lose some weight in support of me so that's really helping.

I am very glad he found this site!