insanity week 1 of month 2 no results

Im on week 1 month 2 of insanity and i only lost 5 pounds im really depressed because soo many people lose 25 pounds in there first month only . I am 25 pounds over weight so i weighed 150 and now im down to 145 i eat on average 1,300 cals a day and i pick foods out of the nutrition guide and i also do not cheat i eat every 2-3 hours though all i pretty much do all day is just my insanity workout and bike ride ( ocassionaly bike ride ) i burn on average of 500 cals per workout and 1000 on the max interval circut . Can anyone help me please ? i really wanted to lose 25 pounds and now i dont see that happening


  • BeantownSooner
    1st, I think that you're actually doing great. 5 lbs is nothing to be ashamed of. If you haven't taken measurements I'd start doing that. Take out an old pair of jeans that no longer fit and how do they fit now? That said, I'm guessing that you're not eating enough if you're only consuming 1,300 calories total per day. Just as an example if you eat 1,300 then burn 1000 on Max Interval you're net is 300 calories! You're body will basically do two things at that point....hold on to every ounce of fat in your body for storage and burn possibly burn muscle.

    I assumed you were an average height female at 5'5". Insanity recommends that you eat between 2,313 (moderately active) and 2,537 (highly active). You're young and bike riding in addition to Insanity plus everything else younger people do so I'd suggest you work from the 2,537 number. Take off 500 calories to create a 1lb per week deficit so that's 2,037. If you'd like use a range of 1,813 (moderately active number above -500). Use 1800 - 2000 as your calorie target per day.

    Now you might say that's 500 - 700 more than I eat now how can I do it when I'm full? #1 you'll need it in Month 2 as the workouts are a lot more intense (see you 1000 on Max Interval Circuit...expect the same with the rest of the Month 2 workouts). You will be more hungry. #2 add good fats to your diet. Very easy to add 1 tbsp olive oil to your veggies at dinner, eat 1 oz (handful) of unsalted almonds. Each of those are about 180 - 200 calories. Also, eat an Insanity Nut Butter Sandwich every day as one of your snacks! It rules!

    Stick with it but you really should be eating more.
  • NonDebutante3dot0
    NonDebutante3dot0 Posts: 42 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating enough calories. If your body isn't getting enough nutrition, it gets very frugal about burning calories. You might check out the group EMTWL on this forum. It has helped lots of people.

    Bon chance!

  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Im on week 1 month 2 of insanity and i only lost 5 pounds im really depressed because soo many people lose 25 pounds in there first month only . I am 25 pounds over weight so i weighed 150 and now im down to 145 i eat on average 1,300 cals a day and i pick foods out of the nutrition guide and i also do not cheat i eat every 2-3 hours though all i pretty much do all day is just my insanity workout and bike ride ( ocassionaly bike ride ) i burn on average of 500 cals per workout and 1000 on the max interval circut . Can anyone help me please ? i really wanted to lose 25 pounds and now i dont see that happening

    I eat at least 1500 calories with Insanity. I didn't lose that much weight, mostly inches but the second month is where I saw more results and my body start to change. There were so many times I got discouraged and wanted to give up from lack of results, but don't you do it you will see it. My profile picture is start and finish of Insanity, and most of my results happened in the last three weeks. Keep it up and you'll see results. I am now into round two, and I love it.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Moved to Fitness and Exercise.