Curious to hear a non-bias Fitbit review...



  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I just wanted to add also, as a wedding present, I recently received the fitbit aria scale. While I hate seeing my numbers, I like that it measures both my weight and my body fat percentage. I also like that.. like the fitbit itself, it automatically syncs with my fitbit dashboard.
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    1) What are your stats/fitness goals?
    Female, mid-40s, set goal to lose 35 pounds (started in February 2012)

    2) How long have you had it?
    about 4 months

    3) What do you like/dislike about it? How has it helped?
    LOVE IT!!! wear it all the time, and it is an incredible incentive to keep moving. When I see I haven't achieved many steps/floors, I know I have to find opportunities to work harder. It seamlessly moves the calories burned over to MFP, letting me precisely track my calories burned/earned, so i can eat appropriately. So far, have lost over 30 pounds. I'd call it a successful motivator

    4) Is it just a glorified heartrate monitor? Other posts have discussed in detail - not HRM, but glorified pedometer. But it's cute, and it talks to you, and the calories burned are specific to your weight/height (my husband has one and burns far more calories during the same run with me - but he weighs more, so that makes sense).

    5) Are there fees beyond the initial 95 dollar unit? None needed unless you want the extra training services - not necessary.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I have both a fitbit and an HRM (Polar FT4) and view the HRM as something I use when I'm seriously exercising, and the fitbit as not much more than a fun toy that reminds me to get up and move more often. There have been times right before bed when I'll see that I've climbed 9 flights of stairs, and I'll go run the steps in the house one more time just to get to the next level (you get a little badge on your fitbit site for various things), so in that respect, it's fun to wear it.

    I work a desk job all day, so having something remind me to not be a complete slug is kind of nice. Beyond that, I don't see any true health benefits to owning one.

    Side note: If you do any kind of distance walking or running, the fitbit would be a godsend. The one day I did go for a long hike, I was thrilled to be able to see the number of steps, distance, etc, that it measured. Guess it all depends on your normal level of activity.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    1) What are your stats/fitness goals? I try to get 10 stairs and 10K steps every day, miss it some days, I needed to work on my activitiy at work and this helps remind me to get out and get some moving done, lol. Goal is a total of 68lbs lost, so far 54 of those gone.

    2) How long have you had it? Since May.

    3) What do you like/dislike about it? How has it helped? I really like what it can do, stairs and steps and helping me see what i have burned beyond my TDEE since it turned out my non exercise TDEE was higher than I thought so I was still underfeeding.

    4) Is it just a glorified heartrate monitor? No HR at all, I wear a HRM at the gym as well as my fitbit, it is primarily for away from the gym where the HRM is not helpful. If you are in the calorie burning zone a HRM isn't real helpful at calculating your calories burned, for example a long walk with the dog is not even going to be a blip on the HRM but will get you credit for steps and even stairs around here :)

    5) Are there fees beyond the initial 95 dollar unit? No fees at all.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Pretty much everything's been covered, but I'll add my couple of cents.

    1) What are your stats/fitness goals?

    Age 45. Have probably 15 lbs left to go. Started 80 or 90 lbs ago. After losing 80 or 90 lbs, I don't really care about the last 15. Someday I might get serious about it.

    My main goals right now are half marathon training and exercising enough so that I can eat ice cream and drink beer. (It's summer and camping season. Don't judge. :P)

    2) How long have you had it?

    I've had mine a little over a month

    3) What do you like/dislike about it? How has it helped?

    It keeps me motivated to get the extra steps in to increase my calories. I like getting the badges and working towards getting them. (I climbed the flight of stairs in my home over 50 times the other day just so I could get my 100 floors badge)

    My husband has one too so we are always comparing steps. Some friendly rivalry.

    It's small. It's sleek. You can monitor on the device or on the web page.

    I have my strides set and so the distance feature is extremely accurate.

    Like others have said, in the car it will register a few steps and flights. If its significant I will set the activity to driving and it wipes them all out. And if I've gotten any badges because of the drive, I'll walk to catch them back up again.

    Dislikes... The web site leaves a lot to be desired. And the premium membership is too expensive for what you get out of it. (from what I've seen)

    Regarding the fact that it doesn't measure all activities. That is true, but those only take up one or two hours of the 24 that are available to you, so to me it's not relevant. I can get a reasonable count from any calorie count website.

    4) Is it just a glorified heartrate monitor?

    Doesn't measure heart rate. It is also not a GPS. I uses the same technology that is in the Wii remotes to track distance and elevation.

    5) Are there fees beyond the initial 95 dollar unit?

    There is a premium membership available. It doesn't seem worth the money to me. $50 is too expensive for any website membership. I'd have 10 $20 website memberships before I'd spend $50 on one. That's not quite true. I have spent $50 a couple of times on lifetime memberships.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    1) What are your stats/fitness goals? - 36 yo. 25% body fat looking to hit my ultimate goal of 19% body fat
    2) How long have you had it? About a month
    3) What do you like/dislike about it? How has it helped? It's been a great tool for helping me determine my actual TDEE. I was overestimating, which led me to eat at maintenance. It also encourages me to move more because I want to see my numbers climb.
    4) Is it just a glorified heartrate monitor? Not even close. I leave the Fitbit at home and still wear a HRM for exercise and log them manually through MFP.
    5) Are there fees beyond the initial 95 dollar unit? Not unless you want to sign up for the premium membership. I don't have it. I don't think it's necessary when you're using MFP.
  • TigressStripes
    TigressStripes Posts: 33 Member
    1) What are your stats/fitness goals?
    5'5", CW 185, SW 277, GW 145.

    2) How long have you had it?
    Picked it up during the April sale, been wearing it regularly since early May.

    3) What do you like/dislike about it? How has it helped?
    That it shows me how truly sedentary I am on a daily basis unless I get up and do something about it. I love the achievements - they definitely push me to do just a little bit more. If I have a dislike it's that you can kill the unit by putting it against your skin and then exercising - ladies, that means DO NOT put it in your bra before a run!! Now, the plus there is that their customer service is awesome - when I fried mine, I had a new unit out to me - at no cost to me - in 4 days. Seriously, their customer service is top notch - if I didn't already have an awesome scale, I'd consider getting theirs, even though the price is rich.

    4) Is it just a glorified heartrate monitor?
    It's not a HRM at all - the folks who called it a glorified pedometer are more accurate, but even then it's more than that.

    5) Are there fees beyond the initial 95 dollar unit?
    No - and if you pay attention to a site like Slickdeals, you can quite often get it below that $95 price. I picked up one for under $80 in April.
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    bump :)