Hi! New here, in Arizona, and pregnant :)

Ok, so I'm sure that the pregnant part got your attention. As of 8/10/12, I am 36 weeks pregnant. I have an 8 year old, who I was still trying to loose weight from LOL. But this time around, I'm going to get my butt in gear! I need to loose weight, and I want to loose 150 pounds - or get to a certain jean size, which ever comes first (and its not un-attainable, its perfectly reasonable where I want to be). I hate the fact that I don't necessarily look as big as I am, but I am... Either way, I def want to loose weight after this one, and get to where I'm comfortable again. Don't get me wrong, I love being curvy, and even when I loose weight I'll still be curvy, but I want to be able to run after my kids at the park LOL.

Health wise, I'm actually pretty healthy. No diabetes, blood pressure issues, heart issues, nothing. Which kind of baffles my doctor (seeing as how much people my weight have a ton of issues)... .My issues aren't health related. I have degenerative disk disease in my lower back (I was a super clumsy teen, and literally would slide down the stairs once a month, and even managed to fall going up LOL). Only way that would get better is with surgery, but i'm too young for it. And I have asthma, which would probably ease up if I lost weight, but theres a chance it won't seeing as I had it even when I was a kid and at a "normal" weight. Other than that, I have allergies LOL.

Alright, so, I should have said this first -- I'm Jennifer, 25 (but in about 2.5 weeks I'll be 26 -- on 8/27/12) and I'm in Chandler, Arizona. I am married to a great guy who I've been with for about 8 years, and married to for four (we met after I had my son, and hes been there since he was 3 mos old - unlike the "father"). I am (as of today, 8/10/12) 2 days from 36 weeks, this one is a girl :) Like I mentioned before, I am planning on getting my butt in gear, and stop being lazy.

I've actually managed to loose weight with this pregnancy - about 14 lbs total during the 2nd trimester -- not by working out, or doing anything crazy. Just by being pregnant I guess. I eat pretty healthy, and maybe we stopped ordering pizza --- and we moved, so I'm no longer close to my fave chinese delivery, so that could be why too. But, I've gained most of the 14lbs back, and thats fine - and normal! I'm not freaking out or stressing out about it. I'm within a healthy range for my baby, and she is a healthy weight too.

Ok, so thats a lot about me. If you want to friend me on here that would be awesome. I don't do much but keep a food diary of sorts, but I'm usually under, I don't over eat anymore. And once I have the baby and am recovered enough to get the OK from the doc, I plan on working out. I haven't figured out how I want to work out (gym, home, walking, etc), but I'll figure it out.
