Help with "cheat" days

Hey guys, I'm almost a year into my journey and I've hit my biggest wall. I can go all week doing so good and staying on top of my diet with 100% accuracy, but as soon as Friday night get's here, I go buck wild and proceed to eat like crap for the entire weekend!!! :noway:

I really need help with messing up on the weekend as I have tried like hell to behave and nothing I do seems to work. I know it's not entirely bad to have a cheat day here and there but it's another thing to make it a cheat weekend on a regular basis. Any suggestions?!

Just a side note, I know for sure that I can be a stress eater at times so I'm thinking it might be actually the problem. Sort of like "eating the stress of the week away" type of issue. Like I said, any information you can offer me to help me get over this hump will help. Thanks!


  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    have you tried working off the stress instead? that might work. i know how you feel though, today i was starving and felt like i ate everything.
  • MonicaT1972
    When my husband is home (every second weekend) I'm always tempted to go wild. I now tell myself everytime I want to blow it...WILL THIS TASTE AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't as I'm only human. I'd like to say it's successful 90% of the time though.

    My other motivator is going clothes shopping. I go try stuff on a size smaller than my current size as motivation when I feel week. I always also have 1 t-shirt in my closet that is that 1 size smaller so I can try it on when I feel myself slipping. Then when I get to wear that t-shirt I remember that nothing did taste as good as wearing that shirt feels.

    You can do it!!!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Do you think you're doing it because you're being overly restrictive on the weekdays? Would it help or hurt if you were to say, indulge in one thing you love on a regular basis while staying within your calorie goals?
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    The only thing you're cheating is yourself.

    Do you really want to work so hard during the week and then blow it all and take two steps backwards on the weekend?

    If you've been doing this for a year you know you can easily wate a 30 minute workout in a matter of seconds just by eating a 300 calorie snack. When you start binge eating you could be running over by 1000's of calories and that could literally cost you the entire week or more.

    Find a different outlet.
  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    Is it carbs, alcohol, sweets, or what do you cheat on during the weekend? Are you tracking your calories? I step up my exercise on the weekend so I can have my wine, coctail, or dinner out. Are you feeling like you are sacrificing during the week and need to catch up on the weekends? I feel your pain, and would love to help if you could explain how you "blow it". Hang in there, weight loss is a journey.
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    Maybe instead of telling yourself no cheating this weekend, plan one meal a week (on the weekend) where you eat something that you just purely enjoy. That way you are not having a cheat day(s) but a cheat meal. If you know you can have that every week it may help you have something to look forward to so you don't go crazy all weekend. Just a thought! Good luck!
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    To be honest, it sounds like you are "rewarding" yourself for a stressful week. You need a new way to reward yourself. Maybe a few hours at the spa instead!
  • vegan444
    vegan444 Posts: 39
    You say that your job is stressful. Maybe keeping busy helps you stay on track? Maybe it would help to change your weekend behavior all together?

    I find that I eat more on the weekends because I don't have any structure. Now it helps because I know that I'm going to spend my saturday mornings at the farmer's market (surrounded by food, I realize, but it's mostly produce which I turn into a healthy, tasty and eco-friendly lunch when I get home).

    Being away from the house (and the couch, and the tv, and the computer ...) helps me stay on track.

    On the same note, during the week I tend to get snacky around 8 or 9. I'm trying to make sure that I go for a bike ride at that time every day. I don't go for speed, just to have a nice outing for 45 minutes. Then I have a shower, and it's almost time for bed, and I've missed my snacking opportunity.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Maybe instead of telling yourself no cheating this weekend, plan one meal a week (on the weekend) where you eat something that you just purely enjoy. That way you are not having a cheat day(s) but a cheat meal. If you know you can have that every week it may help you have something to look forward to so you don't go crazy all weekend. Just a thought! Good luck!
    I agree ^^ No cheat "days", just a day to have a cheat "meal". For example, I visit my dr. once a month and it's about 45 min away. There is a Hardees close by so this whole last month I told myself if I didn't go over my calorie goals this month that I can reward myself with my favorite burger with no bun. So I did today :) It was worth the wait, but it was over fast lol
  • jgthomas78
    I have a hard time on the weekends as well. If I know I'm going to go over on the weekend I usually don't eat my exercise calories during the week and it seems to balance out my going over on the weekend.
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    I have a hard time on the weekends as well. If I know I'm going to go over on the weekend I usually don't eat my exercise calories during the week and it seems to balance out my going over on the weekend.


    Acknowledge it is an issue for you and try to plan for it in advance by being extra healthy during the week. Then it won't have the same effects. And as you learn to moderate the bad behavior, you will be better during the week and weekend and speed up your progress!
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah that's also another issue, I work so much that when I get home, the last thing I want to do is work out so I haven't done that at all lately. I need to get back at it though. I'm sure that would help A LOT!! If only I could find the time/energy to do so after a long day.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    Do you think you're doing it because you're being overly restrictive on the weekdays? Would it help or hurt if you were to say, indulge in one thing you love on a regular basis while staying within your calorie goals?

    No actually I just about eat every single one of my calories. HOWEVER, about 3 months ago I changed my profile settings to lose 2lbs a week instead of the standard 1. Do you think that could be some of it? Perhaps I should go back to the 1lb per week and see how I react to that.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    Well, that's a great idea! I do have some clothing that I previously hadn't been able to wear and when I got into it, it was totally empowering. Maybe I should try to start buying a couple of things a size or two smaller (on the clearance rack of course) to try on in times of weakness so that I am motivated to stay strong! Yes, I will try that!
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    That's a great idea! Thanks for the input!
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    Maybe instead of telling yourself no cheating this weekend, plan one meal a week (on the weekend) where you eat something that you just purely enjoy. That way you are not having a cheat day(s) but a cheat meal. If you know you can have that every week it may help you have something to look forward to so you don't go crazy all weekend. Just a thought! Good luck!

    That's a great idea! Thanks for the input!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Totally agree fitting into smaller size clothes and clearing out closets kept me focused on losing weight. Instaed of treating myself to "food" I indulge in rebuilding my wardrobe - totally obsessing on a project 333 wardrobe in my new size now.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    The only thing you're cheating is yourself.

    Do you really want to work so hard during the week and then blow it all and take two steps backwards on the weekend?

    If you've been doing this for a year you know you can easily wate a 30 minute workout in a matter of seconds just by eating a 300 calorie snack. When you start binge eating you could be running over by 1000's of calories and that could literally cost you the entire week or more.

    Find a different outlet.

    Thanks for your post I suppose but I asked for your input on some alternative methods to help with the situation. Honestly, I didn't lose over 50lbs this year it by being an idiot who doesn't realize that overeating in a couple of days can jeopardize the entire week. Obviously I understand that so I need some TIPS on what to do to overcome this issue I'm having. I'm sorry you may not understand emotional eating because you probably don't struggle with that but it is a REAL issue and lots of people have the same problem even though their "brain" says don't do it, they do it anyways.
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    To be honest, it sounds like you are "rewarding" yourself for a stressful week. You need a new way to reward yourself. Maybe a few hours at the spa instead!

    You know that makes sense!! I agree I feel like "it's the weekend, time to unload" so I go way overboard. It's just a force of habit I guess? I do need to find some other outlet instead of food. A day at the spa really does sound tempting too!
  • HannahBiffel
    HannahBiffel Posts: 16 Member
    Maybe instead of telling yourself no cheating this weekend, plan one meal a week (on the weekend) where you eat something that you just purely enjoy. That way you are not having a cheat day(s) but a cheat meal. If you know you can have that every week it may help you have something to look forward to so you don't go crazy all weekend. Just a thought! Good luck!
    I agree ^^ No cheat "days", just a day to have a cheat "meal". For example, I visit my dr. once a month and it's about 45 min away. There is a Hardees close by so this whole last month I told myself if I didn't go over my calorie goals this month that I can reward myself with my favorite burger with no bun. So I did today :) It was worth the wait, but it was over fast lol

    See that's an issue for me because I really want to STOP rewarding myself with food. To me food should just be food. I think sometimes as overweight individuals we romanticize food and make it more than what it is and we allow it to effect our intimacy levels with family etc. I don't feel like I need to keep with that behavior anymore because it's proved to be counter productive for myself personally. If that works for you, that's awesome! I like to reward myself with things now and that has helped me a lot.

    If only I could get past the stress factor because I am in management and so I am required to be a strong leader who is organized and precise so my diet is precise as well....MONDAY-FRIDAY. Then when the weekend comes, I don't want to obey and be organized or even log into to be honest. I just want to cast caution to the wind and have a "who gives a ****" attitude. So what do I get for that? NO progress.