weight loss and contraception.

i'm aware there was a similar post about this yesterday. i have an appointment with a nurse on thursday to get my depo injection, the doctor refuses to put me on the implant straight away, so i have to bare with the injection for three months and i can't take the pill because it interferes with other medication i take for my heart.
i've heard so many horror stories about people gaining anywhere from 10-200lbs on this injection, but i'm really active. i spend an hour and a half at the gym every week day (usually burning 600-700 calories), i have dancing two days a week and a fitness class every friday evening. on top of that, i have a weekend job which allows me to be on my feet for six and a half hours over the two days and i have a healthy intake. am i still going to gain despite all that? i can't see it happening, but i'm really scared and i don't want all my hard work to go to waste.


  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I think you need to be careful of Bro-science.
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    I think you need to be careful of Bro-science.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    You won't gain if you keep an eye on your food and do your exercise.

    Don't eat too much and exercise and you'll be fine. Various forms of birth control can have a weight gain side effect. Usually it's just water weight gain... not fat. The other gains are normally due to the hormones and making you feel hungry when you aren't.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    From what I've heard here, you need to find a contraceptive that works for you and you only! Trial and error my friend. I am on the pill and even though it works theres a down side but luckily I know when/if I will gain.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I would never, ever get the depo shot. I don't usually believe in anecdotal evidence but I have never met someone who was happy with it.

    Why can't you get an IUD?
  • sharonf1983
    sharonf1983 Posts: 41 Member
    ive been on depo well over a year now and havent gained any. I try to eat healthily and i dont do any exercise other than walking as much as i can. i cant really say i have anything bad to say about depo. And given the choice, i wouldnt change to any other form of contraception. It has proven to be the best for me.
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    Nurse here, the horror stories are largely just that. It's also people shoving off their responsibility. That being said, why are you gravitating toward this form of birth control if you are uncomfortable with it?

    Why not get a hormone free IUD? They are safe, MORE EFFECTIVE than hormonal birth control, and last up to ten years. Look it up. Paraguard.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    The most recent research I have read on BC state that while BC does not cause actual weight gain, it does make it harder to form good muscle tone/gain muscle mass, which I think can impact you metabolic rate to some extent. Keep a close eye on your weight/water/sodium/calories/gym time. Be sure to be more than brutally honest in your diary for the next three months and see what happens. If its only 3 months, I don't think much can happen that you can't reverse once the shot wears off.
  • Christina_3192
    Christina_3192 Posts: 150 Member
    I have the implant, and they gave it to me right away, didn't even have to wait for my period either. My doc was awesome lol

    My sister is on the depo and she hasn't gained any weight, she watches what she eats and is lightly active.

    As a side note, I LOVE my implanon and haven't had any trouble losing weight on it.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I was on depo for a couple of years. I didn't gain weight but had some acne and mood swings from it. Its not great for your bones over the long run, the max my doctor allows patients to be on it is 8 years. Try it and see, that's my advice.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Nurse here, the horror stories are largely just that. It's also people shoving off their responsibility. That being said, why are you gravitating toward this form of birth control if you are uncomfortable with it?

    Why not get a hormone free IUD? They are safe, MORE EFFECTIVE than hormonal birth control, and last up to ten years. Look it up. Paraguard.

    I hate this shaming comment: "It's also people shoving off their responsibility." Depo, and many BCs, DO cause water retention and weight gain (A gyno will tell you, "Oh you're just eating too much." An endo will tell you, "Uh, yeah, you're changing your hormones big time. It's causing this."). Of course there will be people who get hungry, eat more, then gain weight. But there's many people where that's not the case, and they get medical "professionals" like you who hurt rather than help.

    Plus, you know, the huge infertility issues associated with Depo (not permanent, but the whole, "couldn't get pregnant for at least a year after" cases).
  • crimson_seven
    I started the Depo shot right before I started dieting and exercising seriously. I have lost about 10 lbs in 2.5 months. The first three months of the Depo shot are considered the WORST, after that your body adjusts to it. I had really really bad hormones, like a raging PMS, for the first part, but then it evened out. I love Depo because I will never remember to take the pill (I tried) and I am unable to use the nuva-ring or IUD. Don't go into Depo hating it, like any other medication it will have positive and negative aspects that you need to realistically weigh. Everyone's body does react differently, but for the vast majority of women, the weight gain from hormone medications does come from an increased appetite. Pay attention to yourself and the actual side effects, monitor your "calories in - calories out" closely and decide if you want to continue the shot after the first dose. Don't be afraid, take control of your body.
  • Camberries7
    Camberries7 Posts: 19 Member
    Try conceptrol birth contro, I've been on it for a year and doesn't contain any hormones aka no weight gain. I was on the pill and I gained a ton. Conceptrol is awesome.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Everyone is different, but I am that happy person on Depo. I love love LOVE it. No PMS, no mood swings, no weight gain. Every type of BC will be right for someone, just see how it goes.
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    I have used it in the past and did not notice a weight gain. I am due for my next injection and I have actually lose a good 10-15 lbs in the past three months. Take care of your body and it will be less likely you will gain (I say less likely because everyone's body is different)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It really just depends on your body. Every body will react differently to birth control. You won't know until you're on it.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    I've been on depo for two years this round and am on the tail end of my last shot. I've only gained [recycled, actually, since I keep losing it and gaining it back] five pounds in the full two years. The first time I was on depo, though, I had massive weight gain and was far more active than I am now. I was also in a far more stressful situation at that time in my life and don't believe my body was mature enough to deal with the hormones.

    Every body is different and will react differently, and the same body may even react differently at different times to the same drug. Nothing is set in stone.

    Do keep in mind that aside from possible weight gain, Depo has been known to cause bone density issues and is not recommended for use for longer than two years.
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    i'm aware there was a similar post about this yesterday. i have an appointment with a nurse on thursday to get my depo injection, the doctor refuses to put me on the implant straight away, so i have to bare with the injection for three months and i can't take the pill because it interferes with other medication i take for my heart.
    i've heard so many horror stories about people gaining anywhere from 10-200lbs on this injection, but i'm really active. i spend an hour and a half at the gym every week day (usually burning 600-700 calories), i have dancing two days a week and a fitness class every friday evening. on top of that, i have a weekend job which allows me to be on my feet for six and a half hours over the two days and i have a healthy intake. am i still going to gain despite all that? i can't see it happening, but i'm really scared and i don't want all my hard work to go to waste.

    OMG I hate Depo!! I had one shot of it after giving birth and gained 30 lbs in one month! never again!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    the doctor refuses to put me on the implant straight away, so i have to bare with the injection for three months and i can't take the pill because it interferes with other medication i take for my heart.

    Also, I'd look into a new doctor. It's wrong that he's trying to force a specific contraceptive method on you when you do not want it. Pretty sure the word "unethical" could be used here.
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    the doctor refuses to put me on the implant straight away, so i have to bare with the injection for three months and i can't take the pill because it interferes with other medication i take for my heart.

    Also, I'd look into a new doctor. It's wrong that he's trying to force a specific contraceptive method on you when you do not want it. Pretty sure the word "unethical" could be used here.
    i wasn't actually with my usual doctor, so i wont e seeing him again! he was wary about putting me on it because of my periods or something. but i've decided to just go to family planning and go ahead with the implant. thanks everyone :)