has anyone had pleurisy?

iojoi Posts: 378 Member
If you have I am curious to know how long you were told/had to stay away from training


  • mirandamayhem
    I wasn't training, but I remember the agony lasting and lasting. Sorry can't help, but poor you.
    WTBSE Posts: 72 Member
    I had pleurisy, and i too remember that agony, you have my sympathy.
    If you are in the UK, why not give NHS direct a call to ask how long you should stay off the training for?

    Hope you are better soon!
  • 11crackers11
    I had a very bad bout of it, last year and was off work for 3 weeks, it took a long time to feel right again after that, I think your body will tell you, just dont overdue it as you will be back to square one again. My son also has just recovered from a collapsed lung, he is in the army and they said on his return to build himself up gradually which he taken a good few weeks. Hope your well on the way to recovery x
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    thanks I have had it before but some years ago and last time it had really got a hold of me..
    This time I have hit steroids early and its not as bad as last time, so I wasnt sure what to expect ... I think I will follow what my body is saying to me
    thank you for your reply