Does this bug you, too?



  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I hope my friends look before they comment -I generally pick out a good meal they have had or make a specific comment so they know that I have viewed it. Otherwise, it's a waste of everyone's time.

    ^ this

    i open the diary and comment on a meal or a food, something like:

    "great day, im so jealous of the slice of cake tho"
    "lovely diary, dont worry about those sugars, looks like they're from all that fruit anyway"

    i think this really helps my friends AND it means I can get ideas from their diaries
  • MrJase
    MrJase Posts: 88 Member
    Do you not think that they are just saying its great that you are still logging your food and taking the time out to come to this site and update things. Not the fact of what you have eaten just the fact that you are still logging? Means your are still commited to losing weight

    If thats to me, yes, thats possible, but personally i just find it a waste of time, so i prefer to set my diary not to announce that i finished logging :) if it helps some people great, more power to them. Its just not for me.

    Yeah thats fair enough whats good for some doesn't help others. But my point is if people do post their daily food up people will respond but for different reasons thats all. Some will read the food and give feedback but others will just post that its good that you are still taking the time to log something. I personally log but my dairy doesn't show up, people still say that I'm doing a good job when I come under my calorie goals without ever knowing what it is I've eaten.
    I like it when people tell me I'm doing a good job whether they read or not I think it shows that they are willing to give me the support I need sometimes :)
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Do you not think that they are just saying its great that you are still logging your food and taking the time out to come to this site and update things. Not the fact of what you have eaten just the fact that you are still logging? Means your are still commited to losing weight

    If thats to me, yes, thats possible, but personally i just find it a waste of time, so i prefer to set my diary not to announce that i finished logging :) if it helps some people great, more power to them. Its just not for me.

    Yeah thats fair enough whats good for some doesn't help others. But my point is if people do post their daily food up people will respond but for different reasons thats all. Some will read the food and give feedback but others will just post that its good that you are still taking the time to log something. I personally log but my dairy doesn't show up, people still say that I'm doing a good job when I come under my calorie goals without ever knowing what it is I've eaten.
    I like it when people tell me I'm doing a good job whether they read or not I think it shows that they are willing to give me the support I need sometimes :)

    Thats understandable-thats how i feel about getting exercise comments. Sure i hear 'great burn!' a lot, but a : what else are ppl gonna say, and b: for someone who hasnt exercised in years, every little bit of encouragement helps :). Although i'm starting to enjoy it more and more. I dont have to drag my butt out there nearly as often- lately ive even been enjoying getting out there and walking. Whatta weirdo :p
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Since Sunday I've been sick with what I think was an extended stomach bug. I wasn't able to eat much of anything but I was still logging what I did eat.

    I now realize that some of my friends aren't actually viewing my diary before they comment when I complete my diary. On one of the days that I only managed to get a few saltines down and some water, a friend posted that I'd had a rocking day.

    That's just not supportive at all. Am I the only one that feels this way?
    Totally agree. I had someone eat virtually nothing one day due to the same sort of thing and one of her friends made the same sort of comment.
    I have been eating a bit of a VLCD for a few days and thankfully my friends who commented all had read my diary and commented that my cals were too low. I do the same to my friends!
  • reinventingandrea
    don't get me wrong, encouragement is great. The thing that bothers me about this is that the people on my list knew that I was sick from a status update and a comment I had left on my diary update. Clearly puking all day was not a rocking day! Lol
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I hardly look at other diaries any more, I find other ways to be supportive. Also, I never hit the complete day button anymore either. I'm not looking for comments on the food I eat, I know I'm doing bad or good, its right there in my diary. My friends all support each other in better ways.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    I find that sincere comments about things that I have eaten or choices that I have made are very supportive and helpful. I appreciate that most of my friends are this way. This is the "accountability" part of this picture for me ... and it's working. Last night I baked sugar cookies ... announced that I was baking cookies and not intending to eat one ... and that announcement and knowing that people would be looking at my diary and commenting if they saw "sugar cookie ... 1 bazillion calories" is what kept me (twice) from not eating one!