Running Shoes

Does anyone know where you can find extra wide running shoes?


  • Toomestwin
    If you're serious about running, then go to an athletic shoe store like New Balance. They'll put you on a treadmill to identify any issues you may have such as over-pronation (running "crooked" such as stepping diagonally from the heel across the arch to the toes---many people do this without realizing it). Then they'll recommend the type of shoes you really need as opposed to the ones you think you need. I suggest this because you said you need extra wide shoes---that's typically a sign that you may be buying the wrong size shoes.

    I would have been the first one to scoff at my own post. I recently hurt myself while running and found out a whole bunch of things I was doing wrong such as wearing the exact opposite type of shoe I needed (which probably contributed to my injury).

    It's going to cost a bundle, but for me it was worth it because now I'm wearing properly fitted shoes and the right type of shoe.

    Hope this helps.
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    Yeah, go to a running store. They'll fit you and if necessary they probably have the resources to find the right shoe for you in whatever size you need. I've always had weird feet so I'm accustomed to having to order shoes online.
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I'll have to look around and see if I can find some different shoe stores in my area. The place I usually buy shoes from just doesn't carry running shoes. They just carry casual shoes. I've had my feet measured. I used to walk around wearing size 11 wide because that was all I could find to fit my wide feet even though the shoes were too long. Then I discovered that extra wide shoes existed and found out I can wear 9.5 XW. I have 2 pair that size I just wish that shoe store carried running shoes. Everywhere else I go if you ask them when you walk in the door they say they don't carry XW shoes. I just hate buying shoes off the net without trying them on.