Can't seem to shift the weight.

Right - I'm a 22 year old part time actress with an admin job, so a lot of sitting down at work. But I go to the gym each day for at least 45 mins and I have to walk each day for 45 mins. At the gym I do variety of things - static bike, elliptical trainer, spinning, pilates... any class that comes up after I finish work. And I eat pretty well too - I'm always under my calorie limit.

I weighed myself last month and I was about 9st 10lbs, which is healthy, but not my ideal weight. So I upped my gym time and bought more fresh fruits and veg, but since last month I'm now 10st 5lbs! So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it is, as you can imagine, v frustrating :(

I'm still waaaaay more wobbly than I'd like to be, not nearly toned enough, and I've been going to the gym regularly since I moved out of my Mum's, which was over 3 months ago. Ideally I'd like to be under 9st, which would be at the lower end of the healthy scale for me (my agent pretty frankly told me that to be a successful actress these days, there is a lot of pressure to be on the skinny side of healthy).

Does anyone have any tips or have any idea how I might be going wrong? I'm not normally one to scream my problems on the internet, but I think this could be helpful :)




  • PrincessK48
    Hi Tassia

    You seem to be doing a lot of things right but I reckon a two day detox to spike your metabolism might help. I don't advise doing anything for too long but I suspect that your body has got 'used' to what you are doing.

    It is worth keeping a detailed food and exercise diary, My Fitness Pal will help of course. And find a training buddy if you can, either online or in person. If not, how about starting something like Weight Watchers? I tried it at about your age and even though I only had about 10lbs to lose, it was really good. They usually have deals on these days because people can get so much online.

    Other than that, I think your mum suggested an appointment with a personal trainer and, possibly even a nutrionist - perhaps this is something you could follow up. It may not be possible when you visit her this time but she can ask if there is anyone at the gym when she is there on Saturday if you like!

    All in all, I say, Hang On In There - it is a tough road at times but those are the times you need to dig deep. Your own mum has started her programme again (again) today and perhaps you can support each other from a distance to help you both stay on track for gorgeousness!

    With Love Always
    Princess K