Cheap but healthy?



  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    Cheap and healthy. Sounds like two things that make a good date!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Good advice from my mom is thinking about the price per meal, not the cost per pound. So sometimes things like salmon, which are expensive per pound, is less expensive than burger, which is cheaper per pound.

    Beans, always cheap
    A whole chicken feeds more family of four for 4 days. Roast chicken the first day. Second day of chicken pieces. Two days worth of soup from the bones. Chicken salad from the chopped leftovers.
    Cabbage and turnips.
    Baked beats.
    I find it cheaper to buy whole pork loins or chicken breasts and then grind them.
    Buy yoghurt the first time and then culture it yourself
    Buy fish and then make chowder out of it
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    For me I'd stock up on bulk rice/quinoa, and beans (canned or bulk) that way I have a good supply of healthy carbs and protein that is easy to prepare and won't spoil.

    Frozen veggies to bulk up meals, and in season fruit (usually that's cheaper) I'd honestly probably buy a bag of apples and bananas and that's it.

    Eggs are a good option for breakfasts, and snacks.

    Think of things you can make in bulk in crock pot and freeze like chili/stew, you can use potatoes and carrots to bulk up the stew and beans with very little ground meat for the chili, and probably get 8 servings from a batch. Good for quick lunches or dinners.

    I'd buy a big bag of oatmeal for breakfasts, cheap, quick and versatile. Add raisins, cinnamon, whatever else to change it up.

    Make your own salad dressing with apple cider vinegar, and seasoning, it's low cost and way healthier that premade. Then on your salads you could add canned tuna or canned chicken for extra protein or to make it a "complete" meal.

    Buy bread from the discounted bin if your stores have one....usually it's half price where I get mine then I freeze it and take out the slices as I need them. I do this with buns, pitas, english muffins as well.

    Peanut butter, as long as you aren't allergic a jar of PB is great for snacks, breakfasts etc. dip in celery or apples or just as a sandwich.

    Hope this helps!!