40 lbs down... feel like i look no different.

Hello all :)

So basically i've lost about 39.6 lbs on my time at MFP and i am extremely happy with this loss so far. I have 35 lbs left to go before i hit my goal of 150lbs.

I feel good, i feel healthy and i'm happy i am doing this for myself. I am happy i've taken control - Cut out all liquids besides water (I literally can not drink fizzy drinks now, they make me feel ill and i wonder how i ever managed to drink them in the past.).

Like i said, i'm happy i'm doing this and i'm happy that i am much more healthy... But i feel as if i look no different at all. Can't see the weight loss.. Anywhere. Is this normal after losing 40lbs? Or am i just not noticing it on myself when others might?

EDIT: I know it says i joined in March, but i had another account from last year.


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's normal. I feel the same way, and I've heard a lot of people say this too. I think it can take your brain a little while to catch up with what you actually look like, especially if you were at that higher weight for a long time. Also, the bigger you are to start with, the more you have to lose before you (and other people) notice. I expect that other people can notice a difference though, as you've lost 40 of the 75 ish that you want to lose. Have you taken photos of yourself and compared to old photos? That's the only way I can see a difference on myself.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Have you taken any pictures? If not, find one from when you were around your highest weight and then take one now. Compare them side by side and you'll probably see a difference. Sometimes it even helps to cover or crop out your face so that you associate it less with yourself (and look past your own bias). A little distance can make all the difference.
  • AndrewXB9
    AndrewXB9 Posts: 114
    Hmm thanks!

    I don't have any pictures of my highest weight sadly. I have one from Christmas though, but for the life of me i don't know what weight i was.
  • Just like you gradually put the weight on you gradually take it off. It's hard to see the progress when you don't feel like the weight is falling off you as you progress. You should notice a difference in the clothes you are able to wear and how they fit you. Also keep in mind the rest of the body will slim down before the belly does. Keep up the good work and if you don't have a good ab routine going, get one.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I've had this problem before...I've even had it in reverse whereas I do not see an obese person in the mirror...I see someone who is just a little overweight - and there is a big difference between those two. The mind is a shifty little bugger!

    Anyway, glad to hear you are in good spirits, sometimes, that is the best gift of all.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    so you were around 225 and now around 185 and you look in the mirror and see no difference (or at least not 40lbs of difference)... are you still wearing the clothes you wore at 225? Maybe your pre-weight loss clothes are hiding your weight loss. I would understand if you're holding off on the new/better fitting clothes until you're closer to your 150lb goal.

    I've lost nearly 38 lbs and my clothes fit totally different. Some I absolutely cannot wear, the bottoms slip off my bottom. Others, that were tight are now loose, but not loose enough to fall off.