5:2 Diet


So you eat normally for 5 days and then have 500 cals for 2 days. Dr Michael Mosely lost 1 stone in a month, that's 14 pounds.
Did any UK people see the documentary? I thought it was very interesting.


  • Briszler75
    Briszler75 Posts: 88 Member
    More here...


    Scientists are uncovering evidence that short periods of fasting, if properly controlled, could achieve a number of health benefits, as well as potentially helping the overweight, as Michael Mosley discovered.

    I stuck to this diet for 5 weeks, during which time I lost nearly a stone and my blood markers, like IGF-1, glucose and cholesterol, improved. If I can sustain that, it will greatly reduce my risk of contracting age-related diseases like cancer and diabetes.

    Current medical opinion is that the benefits of fasting are unproven and until there are more human studies it's better to eat at least 2000 calories a day. If you really want to fast then you should do it in a proper clinic or under medical supervision, because there are many people, such as pregnant women or diabetics on medication, for whom it could be dangerous.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I watched it and found it interesting too. There have been lots of threads on here discussing it. I'm considering trying it, but not sure how I'd cope cooking for others on the "fasting" days. Though, strictly speaking, "fasting" means eating nothing, not eating lightly.

    Edited to add - thanks for the "tinned tomatoes" link - most interesting!
  • alizon15
    alizon15 Posts: 59
    there's a few of us seem to be trying this , see the thread "Horizon Eat, fast and live longer", i have been doing for 6 days today, weighed after 4 and had lost 5lbs , am allowing myself 549 calories on my fasting days , calculated from Dr Johnsons "updown diet" and trying to stick to around or below maintenance calories on my "feasting" days . So far I haven't struggled with the fasting days , having a low calories soup (homemade) for lunch and light dinner of protein and veg, feels as if is working and feels as if is going to suit my lifestyle. Am aiming for 3-4 days fasting ( ie alternate days ) depending on my social life , but not beating myself up if get slightly out of sync. Would be good to try and keep tabs with those taht are following in whatever form and compare progress.
  • Absref71
    Absref71 Posts: 75 Member
    Nah thats not completely right. By fasting like that you will lose a lot of muscle as well as fat. Instead do what the bodybuilders do and "carb cycle". Much safer and effective, if you are disciplined enough to do an entire fast then you can carb cycle easily
  • alizon15
    alizon15 Posts: 59
    you dont fast completely but reduce to approx 500 calories and eat normally on days in between. the programme explained much better than me.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    you dont fast completely but reduce to approx 500 calories and eat normally on days in between. the programme explained much better than me.

    It is still a fast because once you've had your 500 calorie meal you don't eat again until 24hrs next day breakfast. So that's a 24 hr fast. Those that do intermittent fasting my choose do their 24 hr fat from dinner to dinner next day.
    The one meal calorie amounts are worked out by multiplying your maintenance calories by 25 %.
    You can do the 2 fast days consecutively or space them out during the week.

    The 5 days you eat you can have whatever you want but not how much you want still have to eat to your calorie amount. Also do resistance training to maintain muscle mass (not mentioned in programme but incase of muscle loss).
  • I have just lost 3lb in my first week of doing this :)
  • alizon15
    alizon15 Posts: 59
    well done - everyone seems to have a slightly different view of how to do this , but my view is if it works the way youre doing stick with it! Have lost 7lbs in first 8 days myself.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I thought I'd give this a try and see how it goes. I did my first "fasting day" yesterday and ate 520 calories - a small breakfast, the delicious spicy tomato & lentil soup that I made from a recipe on the tinned tomatoes blog for lunch (http://www.tinnedtomatoes.com/2012/08/52-diet.html - this recipe is a "keeper" :smile: ) and chicken with lots of veg for dinner. I wasn't all that hungry til the evening - and I went to bed early to escape the temptation to eat again.

    This morning I woke up a bit early (leg cramp, then noisy pounding rain) but waited til my normal breakfast time and had slightly more for breakfast than normal. I found I was really hungry by late morning but waited again til my usual lunchtime and ate a salad. Again, I was hungry earlier than usual before dinner and had cold chicken & more salad. It had to be "more salad" as we had a power cut (blame the dreadful weather) & I couldn't cook.

    Re weight loss, I'd "lost" 3.5 lbs this morning, but expect some of that to be back again after a day's normal eating (1511 calories today). I'll be interested to see what I weigh tomorrow morning. I'm hoping it's at least kicked me off the plateau I've been on for the last 3 weeks or so.
  • Here are my latest two recipes, for the 5:2 diet plan:

    Roast Tomato & Garlic Soup Recipe (70 Calories) at: http://www.lavenderandlovage.com/2012/08/52-diet-fast-days-feast-days-and-roast-tomato-garlic-soup-recipe-70-calories.html


    Fresh Fruit Salad for a Kickstart (5:2 and Weight Watchers) at: http://www.lavenderandlovage.com/2012/08/52-diet-fresh-fruit-salad-recipe-meal-plan-ideas-and-calorie-counters.html

    I am a recipe developer and am developing LOTS more recipes to fit in to this plan!

  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    OOH thank you very much Karen. I read the roasted tomato & garlic soup recipe & like it - it's similar to one I make already.
  • littlejobo120
    littlejobo120 Posts: 72 Member
    Bump for later. I'm trying this too - am on fast 2 of week 1. Good luck to anyone trying it. XX
  • luxbazz
    luxbazz Posts: 1
    I'm going to give this a try. Can anyone tell me. Do I fast on alternative or consecutive days?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    It depends what you want to do. There's a plan called the Alternate Day Fast which does what it says. There's Johnson's Up Day Down Day Diet http://www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com/html/how-to-do-the-diet.html where you eat what you like every other day, provided you eat very few calories in between.

    With the 5:2 Diet you eat 500 calories in a day if you're a woman (600 if you're a man) on 2 non-consecutive days in a week and "normally" on 5 days ( I suggest at or a bit below maintenance if you want to lose weight, slightly above if you want to maintain your weight).

    For example, I'm trying to lose weight and I'm an old woman, so I may eat 1400 on Monday, 500 on Tuesday, 1550 on Wednesday, 1450 on Thursday, 500 on Friday, 1500 on Saturday, 1460 on Sunday.

    You can switch the days around to suit your social life, and you don't need to be particularly strict with the calories on the in-between days. I just eat so that I'm not hungry on those days.
  • I have been on this 5:2 for two weeks and I'm starting to lose the will!!!! I have only lost 3 lbs and I'm just sticking there!!!
    Im religiously sticking to the 500 on fasting and around 1200/1400 on normal days.
    I did slip on saturday too much fizz!! Any body have any ideas .......I only want to lose 7lbs altogether!!!
  • alizon15
    alizon15 Posts: 59
    I think it is probably slower as you have so little to lose , I started with 60lbs to go and have lost 10lbs in just over 3 weeks, but clearly have alot more excess fat to burn off on fasting days , :ohwell: I personally am finding it great and have never found "dieting" so easy , as have a pretty busy social life . Id say it stick with it but can understand you being disheartened , goodness knows Ive been there often enough before.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I have been on this 5:2 for two weeks and I'm starting to lose the will!!!! I have only lost 3 lbs and I'm just sticking there!!!
    Im religiously sticking to the 500 on fasting and around 1200/1400 on normal days.
    I did slip on saturday too much fizz!! Any body have any ideas .......I only want to lose 7lbs altogether!!!

    I think you're doing brilliantly! It's much harder to lose when you only have a few pounds extra, so 3 lbs in 2 weeks is phenomenal, where you are. Just keep going - it should only be a few more weeks to your goal at this rate.
  • My husband and myself have been folowing the 5-2 fasting plan after watching the Horizon program. We are into our 6th week now and have found it relatively easy with no ill effects. Still keeping fit and working as normal. I am 60 not overweight and keep myself fit, however it is the health benefits that interested me more than weight loss. I am on statins for inherited high cholestoral and would like to be able to reduce the dosage if I could. Also the idea of keeping age related dieases at bay appeal to me and my husband. My hubby does want to lose weight and has lost a stone while doing this plan but its not all about the weight loss for him either.
    I have only read comments from people interested in the weight loss side of it, I wondered if there is anyone who like me are more concerned about the health benefits.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    BBC programme about 5/2 fasting.