Deprive's the best way

if that is what you think you have to do but it is pretty sad people don't look at all the excellent information on MFP and try it out, at least try it. The good stuff available tells us to eat our caloric needs, it also says have some goodies once in awhile(moderation is way different then deprivation)spend a 1/2 hour walking or any activity you enjoy, drink real water(h2o). Here's one I'll add, don't be afraid to let people critique your diaries, I have learned tons from others pointers, I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for those that told me the "right way". I am not the least bit into depriving myself and there is no need I have discovered for myself by "trying" what the winners suggest.

I see people so happy they only ate 600 calories and didn't have a cookie, glass of wine, beer or a piece of Wedding cake. I have eatin not only more nutritious foods since I've found MFP but I also have not deprived myself of something yummy and not within the realm of "healthy nutrition", yes, the dreaded "empty" calories. I am still here and still losing weight and gaining muscle.

The mind-set is alive and well "don't eat anything and you won't be fat anymore".


  • antonette15
    antonette15 Posts: 19 Member
    This is the same philosophy I have when it comes to eating. I never deprive myself of any food. I still eat ice cream and cake, but limited and I only do it when I have room to do so according to my daily calorie intake. I believe that having a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean staying away from certain foods, it's learning to balance everything out. That has always been my problem in the past. I've seen some good results with my own lifestyle change without cutting out certain food. I do see other people's food diary and they eat so little calories and it makes me nervous for them. I was following a 1,200 calorie a day and even that was not enough for me personally, according to my nutritionist. I was getting so dizzy and lightheaded after months of following a 1,200 calorie a day. Not saying this is going to be the case for everyone, we are all different. Still, I cringe when people go way under their goals. Great post! :)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    thanks Antoinette, great feedback and hope others will read and maybe start eating what they need to in order to not just lose weight, but be healthy. You look great!!

    Denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • antonette15
    antonette15 Posts: 19 Member
    thanks Antoinette, great feedback and hope others will read and maybe start eating what they need to in order to not just lose weight, but be healthy. You look great!!

    Denise:drinker: :drinker:

    Thank you, Denise! I sure hope people read this blog, it will help them so much!
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I fully agree with everything you said! Wrote a blog post that was quite similar actually. I't makes me sad that so many people go on strict diets instead of just changing their lifestyle, especially when that diet makes you have to eat minimal, or even eat stuff you don't like. You should always be able to enjoy yourself. Everything in moderation is my motto :D
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Right on:) If I can't enjoy life while getting healthy, why bother:sad: :drinker: :drinker:
    I fully agree with everything you said! Wrote a blog post that was quite similar actually. I't makes me sad that so many people go on strict diets instead of just changing their lifestyle, especially when that diet makes you have to eat minimal, or even eat stuff you don't like. You should always be able to enjoy yourself. Everything in moderation is my motto :D
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Some people find moderation difficult or their intention is to lose weight as quickly as possible.

    Everyone is different.
  • hawaii86442
    What I do is enter my special treat early in the day. Like a dessert with friends or a special appetizer with dinner. It has worked so far and I have been on MFP for over 135 days. True I have only lost 12 pounds but I only wanted to lose about 20 some. It is coming off slow and sure.:smile:
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    Love this...
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    This is the same philosophy I have when it comes to eating. I never deprive myself of any food. I still eat ice cream and cake, but limited and I only do it when I have room to do so according to my daily calorie intake. I believe that having a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean staying away from certain foods, it's learning to balance everything out. That has always been my problem in the past. I've seen some good results with my own lifestyle change without cutting out certain food. I do see other people's food diary and they eat so little calories and it makes me nervous for them. I was following a 1,200 calorie a day and even that was not enough for me personally, according to my nutritionist. I was getting so dizzy and lightheaded after months of following a 1,200 calorie a day. Not saying this is going to be the case for everyone, we are all different. Still, I cringe when people go way under their goals. Great post! :)

    ^^^^This one!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    You are absolutley spot on. It's why I call it a "lifestyle" change. Everything is in moderation. I now stop eating 15 minutes before I am full........

    I will say one thing though, I am cutting way back on all meats and fish. I would be called 1/2 vegetarina in think, lol.

    read Forks over KNives.
  • Music4Hym777
    Music4Hym777 Posts: 71 Member
    As an eating disorder therapist, I see it a lot and it makes me cringe as well when I hear people so proud that they ate so little. That I believe is the real reason that "diets dont work". If you deprive yourself so much, how in the world are you going to enjoy life??? Plus thinking about the side effects of the low calorie diets including sluggish metabolism, poor concentration, no energy, and obsessive thinking about foods.
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    I dont deprive myself of anything. I just eat less and within my calorie range... I dont believe in dieting one bit. I do believe in enjoying the simple pleasures of life tho and if thats a baileys run cream oreo cheese cake then by god i'm gonna have it! lol (but thats just me)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For me, I don't consider, "Someone offered me a cookie and I turned it down," to be a victory.

    My idea of a victory is, "I met my nutritional goals and still had room for a cookie. Or three."
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    For me, I don't consider, "Someone offered me a cookie and I turned it down," to be a victory.

    My idea of a victory is, "I met my nutritional goals and still had room for a cookie. Or three."

  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    Although I have only been on MFP since June I have been losing weight since May 2011, and to date I have lost 4 stone. I am trying to do this in a way which will be sustainable, rather than going on a diet as such. I love chocolate, crisps, chips and wine, and I don't deprive myself of these - I just eat / drink less of them than I used to. I don't tend to stick to 1,200 calories a day either. My weight loss hasn't been quick, but I hope that doing it this way will mean I'm more likely to keep the weight off.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Great post.

    I have done the restrictive diet thing in the past, and it has not worked. I lost weight for a bit, but then put it back on and some more. Discovering MFP and balancing what I ate with exercise has been a revelation for me.

    I also find it distressing when I befriend someone on MFP and see them constantly eating too few calories, even before taking into account exercise.

    I am happy to take on new MFPs, but please only send me an invite if you are prepared to eat 1200 calories a day as a minimum.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Although I agree with you at this point in my journey, in the beginning at 560 lbs. and eating well over 8000 calories a day, and everybit of that food was junk food, processed food, fast food the only way to break this mold was complete and utter separation from it.. I literally had my wife bring in 2 - 32 gallon trash cans and emptied the house of all these trigger foods... If there was a bag of doritoes in the cupboard (which normally there was atleast 3 or 4 in there every week) I could not control myself to have a little bowl full... I consumed little debbies snacks BY THE BOX not the individual packages. I ordered pizza 2 or 3 nights a week (21 inch and a 14 inch and that was just for supper) and could never stop at 2 or 3 pieces... If it was here I would eat it... So I made a deal with myself, I could have 2 spurge/cheat/whatever you want to call them meals a week. Both had to be consumed at the restaurant, I could have whatever I wanted but it had to be eaten there and nothing could come home... The rest of the time I stuck to the mealplan that my nutritionist set out for me... 3 years later and a few pounds down, I have now reintroduced a few things back into my diet, granted I have no cravings for most of the crap I use to eat and would sooner grab some almonds or an apple over doritoes and swiss cakes... I do baked things like banana nut bread with dark chocolate chips using stoneground whole wheat, etc, etc........ But I have the control of the food and it no longer controls me... So while a completely understand your point of view there are some that can not handle the temptation of having that stuff around in the beginning and have to take a more measured approach or they will just fail again and again.... Best of Luck....
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Ok, I apologize ahead of time for this because at the moment I'm not sure if it's partly the low mood speaking , I'm really glad it's working for you but I've got so much to lose and having been told that I can't do the exercise I did (I was doing 4 hours kickboxing/grappling a week, eating a healthy calorie appropriate diet and still 19.5 stone) that I can't see how on earth I'm going to do this without depriving myself. Any suggestions would be gratefully received
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I agree totally, I kept giving up other diets because I would stop eating my favourite foods, but now I eat what I want as long as I keep within my calories. Nice post!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    There is nothing wrong with having a treat now and then. They should be saved for something special or at least appreciated as a little gift to yourself.

    A lot of people talk about missing dessert and stuff and then when I look at their diary I see something like cheesecake or ice cream everyday as a snack. Moving it to another catagory is not depriving yourself of anything. lol.