stevia/truvia Fertility and ovulation



  • alhyde
    I know this post is ancient, but I saw it and had to respond. I stopped menstruating for 2 years when I turned 40. Doctors could not figure it out. I tried everything. Yoga inversions, Acupuncture, eating cleaner, stopped exercising so much, had scan done on pituitary glad (no tumor), celiac test, etc. no luck. Then I did an "elimination diet" because my chiropractor said she thought I had a food allergy and we should figure out what it is. Well, turned out to be stevia. I had been using it as an alternative to sweeteners for 3 years I guess. I used the drops, packets, yogi tea has stevia leaf in almost all flavors, and also my vegan protein powder has it. As soon as I stopped ingesting stevia my period came back within 1 month. I have been told that only one percent of the population has an allergy to stevia. I guess I am the one percent. I don't have any other allergies besides poison ivy. Interesting.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Im a little confuse. Stevia and Truvia are both the same?
  • alhyde
    Trivia is made with stevia and erythritol
  • JeniLee3000
    Thank you!! I am SO happy someone brought this up. For years now, I've been trying to find information about stevia affecting menstruation - but it's hard to find it listed anywhere as a known side effect.
    Never in my life had I gotten my period early until I started using stevia. I first tried it back in 2005, after hearing it was a more 'natural' sweetener. I started substituting liquid stevia for sugar in my coffee, and a few days later, I got my period out of nowhere (2 weeks early)! I hadn't changed anything else in my diet at the time - nor did I have hormone issues, etc. I worked out regularly, so that wasn't the issue. I kept using it, and got my period AGAIN within two weeks. At that point, I researched it a bit, and saw some link to fertility issues, then stopped using it, because it freaked me out. As soon as I stopped, my periods came back regular again. Never again did I get my period early, until I decided to try Truvia when it came out several years later. I used just a packet in my coffee each morning, and BOOM... Two or 3 days later, I got my period again in the middle of my cycle. The same thing happened the following month, so I stopped. After that, my periods were regular again.
    Just last month, I accidentally had some stevia in a drink and in some yogurt (companies are now adding stevia to so many products, teas, nutrition bars, etc.), and got my period two weeks early again. So annoyed. Now I have to read every label, and avoid it like the plague. You can show me a million studies, but I am convinced it affects my menstruation. You're right - some people may not be as sensitive as we are to it, but everyone is different I guess. Thank you again for posting! I realize now I not alone...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Never mind. Very old conversation.