leveled out on loss...help

Suggested tio jumpstart when I have reached a level where loss has slowed or stopped even after a week of trying :smile:


  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Are you eating the amount of calories that they system assigns you? If not, you're putting your body into starvation mode. You can't leave out 300 calories as that will level you out. I don't know why it does it but I've been warned to not do that as your body will stop dropping weight.
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    Increase cardio but don't eat your exercise calories is one option.

    Vary what you're eating more.

    Change your macronutrient ratio. I.E. eat fewer carbs and more protein and good fat.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    A one-week stall is not uncommon esp. if you've been at this awhile or are close to goal. It is frustrating, lots of us can relate.

    You will be advised to not just focus on the scale, see how clothes fit and check measurements. These measures are more reliable than the scale. A lot can affect your weight, such as water retention, salt intake, and other factors I don't truly understand.

    One idea: Try taking a week "off" if you can stand it. dont go hog-wild, just take it easy and eat what you want in moderation. I was stuck for 2-3 weeks, took a vacation where I didn't log anything or exercise hard, then came back at it. It's like my body needed a rest/reset, and the weight started to come off again when I got back into a routine.

    Another: try calorie cycling. Check it out at freedieting.com or look for threads to explain it here on MFP. I have also found that to be effective.

    Last idea from me: vary your exercise if you don't already. Your body can get used to what you are doing and the exercise will be less effective. Or so they say. If you run or do just cardio, find some weight lifting exercises to do.

    Good luck! Hang in there...