Someone please help me...

it's regarding an ex... and as much as I would love to say I'm emotionally available I'm not... (I guess the first step is admitting it :ohwell: )
We were off and on again. We had some really good days and really bad days. I don't hate him... I have a few nice memories I just feel sick about it.

The last time we spoke (he started up communication... said he needed someone to talk too because he was going through a few things... and I was nice enough to give him an ear. Many conversations later he told me he hasn't gotten over me and a whole bunch of other BS. I was lonely (haa...) bored and not really talking to anyone else. So I liked how it all sounded and unfortunately let it get to my head.
His Birthday was coming up and he joked about if I would be taking him out. I landed a really nice new job and thought why not take him out for dinner or something (it'll give me something to do too... plus I look good since I lost all this weight :sick: )

Anyways, his true colors came out... as I should have known and plans fell through. I hung up the phone on him and we haven't spoke since. (months ago) he hasn't tried to talk to me since... to apologize or anything. I felt like a fool for being so nice to this loser covered in red flags.

I'm having a hard time getting past this.
I know he is NOT at all what God has for me- which is why he was removed from my life.

Another issue is... he's the type who always had "female friends" girls he kept around for an ego boost (that are obviously more than friends when he's single)... girls with mulitple kids/different fathers etc etc. I'm not judging anybody it's just ..... I should have known.
I guess he never saw my worth and it's bothering me soooooo much. I feel like even this guy.... didn't even give 2 damns.

He doesn't have *kitten* going for him... why am I letting this bother me
Please some advice. I want this crap out of my head.

I'm sorry this is so long... I just have had enough. I saw a few things on facebook (yes I looked.. no we are not friends) it's just upsetting and I''m letting it get to me. I don't wish bad things on anybody but I hope he he knows he lost a good thing while he's with a bunch of low life hoes...
this isn't like me... I just hate when I'm so damn nice and people are fcking losers


  • ashtynplatt
    Girl, you are absolutely beautiful. You deserve so much better than that. You are right about God having someone so much better for you. Keep your head up. Give it time and before you know it you won't even be bothered by his stupidity. Feel free to add me if you want to. :)
  • AlegriaFitness
    AlegriaFitness Posts: 10 Member
    Ok, that all sounds really sucky & whatnot - & I know you can't tell your heart what to feel - but I do wonder why you're letting someone who obviously does not love you, or want you, control how you feel.

    Ouch. Yes. That was harsh. But you knew it already! He sounds like the kind of dude that chicks get over & he goes back, reels them in because he feels he's so awesome & fantastic that he just CAN, just to show them, "hey you don't get over me THAT quickly!". Then, he drops 'em so HE feels like the winner. & you're letting him!

    Do yourself a favor...don't look at his page, erase his number, rip his pictures & get this dude outta your life. He's no good & you know it! You, on the other hand, are gorgeous!
  • Louiyen
    Louiyen Posts: 69
    Only time will heal. You can read pages and pages of supportive information from us but it's not going to change. Everything you read from us, you read to make yourself feel better about yourself. It doesn't work. Been there done that. Give it time. I never stay away from facebook or any of that. I saw my ex moved on with two different guys after me while i stayed singled and am still single *winks* j/k. But my priorities, such as school and getting my life back together. Doing me, being selfish, and worrying about my own poop!!. Now that you're single. Be selfish, put yourself on top of the hierarchy, so nothing else matters anymore. We can only help so much. It all comes down to time. GL
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    All of the above! I also found it helpful to remove myself from situations where I would see my ex's FB in any way or anything connected to him. In time, I got over that and became a much stronger person.