Calorie Consumption..What does hC stand for?

I've been doing a mixture of Insanity workouts as well as the Xbox 360 Your Shape 2012 workouts. I recently got a heart rate monitor that includes a chest strap to provide constant heart rate info during my workout.

One of the modes on the monitor is the "calorie consumption" mode and it shows a number followed by hC. What does the hC stand for? Is the number shown here the total number of calories I'm burning? I'm worried that might stand for "half calorie" or something like that.

I'm 30 years old, I weight 185 lbs, and after my workouts I'm typically somewhere around 600 hC on the calorie consumption mode of this heart rate monitor. Does that mean I'm burning 600 calories or does that mean something else?

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • LaNena01
    LaNena01 Posts: 61 Member
    bump! I have no idea, but curious to find out!
  • Hourly Calorie burn, it’s a calculation of how many calories you will burn in an hour at your current intensity level. To get your burned calories divide that number by how long your work our was so if you worked out for 30 min divide by 2 should give you a close estimate. Or if your monitor has how many grams of fat burned multiply that number by 9. (1g Fat = 9 Calories)
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    I have the same question and the same kind of HRM... So, if I worked out for 60 minutes and my HRM says 800hc, did I burn 800 calories or half that? Because mine also has g's and that says 45...and if you x's that by 9 then its around 400 calories...confused