look the same, but have gained weight...

Hey all,
this time last year i was about 135lb's. I was suffering from eating disorders. Im in recovery now (hugely due to mfp for changing my thought patterns about food, calorie intake and excersise) but I have put on about a stone. I want to be 10 stone as its in the middle of my BMI range, and Im getting married next year. I still fit in to all my clothes perfectly, and I dont look like ive gained a stone whatsoever. Im so confused, either the scales are lying to me or i've put on muscle. I do a lot of cycling, and really enjoy it.
Has anyone else found this with muscle gain?
I know ive probably made it hard for my body to lose weight due to the eating disorders and the way i starved myself, but I really would like to be 10 stone.
help me? :))


  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Check out fat2fitradio.com for their calculators. Look at your BF%, if you are in a good range then I would not bother with the scales. Weight can be deceiving. If your clothes are still fitting and you BF% is good then the weight is muscle - just what you want! You can be skinny fat and unhealthy or lean and trim with good muscle at the same number on the scale. If you weight is up but your measurements are not then you are lean and trim!

    Which one do you want? I would want the lean and trim - sounds like that is what you've got!

    Keep it up!
  • pearlyyy92
    I would love to be lean and trim, i carry most of my weight round my hips and bum so its harder to shift i reckon!
    thanks very much for that website I'll check it out. most of the body fat percentage calculators either say im about 25% bf or 36%!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    The insistence on a particular number could still be a part of the old disordered thinking. You do healthy activity that you enjoy and you fit into the same clothes you did at that weight anyway. It's just a number, nothing more. It's only one of many ways to measure yourself and should not be your primary focus.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Ignore the scale. Try not to be fixated on a certain number for your weight. You really need to be going by how you feel and how your clothes fit instead. Do you feel healthy? Are your workouts overly draining, or do you still feel strong at the finish? Are you sleeping well, and do you feel energized when you wake up in the morning? If so, you are on the right track.

    If you are eating healthfully, and exercising, then your body is putting on healthy muscle mass. Muscle is denser than fat, so it is possible for fit people to look the same or even smaller, and actually weigh much more than you would think by looking at them.
  • pearlyyy92
    Tbh I feel healthier than I did when I was thinner, I feel so much better about myself. Someone posted this website (http://www.mybodygallery.com/search.html?height=5+4&weight=220&pant=any&shirt=any&zphoto=Large&new=1) and I was so shocked at how I looked exactly the same as the other girls and they looked amazing! Real eye opener. Zug, you're probably right, even now I can see people on these boards losing loads of weight and I'm actually jealous! I need to stop being so negative. I actually love this website.