Mid-August in Alabama...67 DEGREES in AUGUST!?

I love to walk on the weekends around my neighborhood, but during the hot and very humid Alabama summers, it can be hard to walk in the mornings. Normally this time of year it's about 73-75 with about 90-100% humidity. Somehow, I manage to pull it off, so at least I know I'm trying.

This morning, though, felt slightly...foreign. I go walking, the air is DRY, and the temperature was only 67! August 12th, in Alabama, and it's only 67 degrees in the morning!? I remember five years ago when at this time this state was in the grip of a crazy heat wave (with temps going over 100 and setting records for a week straight).

It felt so wonderful this morning, going outside and enjoying the walk around my neighborhood, drinking my bottle of water and listening to the sounds of the London Opening Ceremony on my iPod (yeah, I was able to download the UNCUT live version instead of NBC's butchered-up tape-delayed version). Man, I never felt so comfortable going to walk this morning. I think I'll be REALLY looking forward to walking in the fall and winter months! :happy: