Question for you deadlifters



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't reset. Guess I've been doing it wrong.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I don't reset. Guess I've been doing it wrong.

    I don't reset either *L*. But I don't really care. I deadlift on the first pull and the rest is lifting the bar up and down *L* We'll call them reverse bent leg Good Mornings.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Oh Boooo, guess I've been cheating. Will try resetting this week.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    A lot of people will disagree with this but...

    If you're using a bar, I would say stop and start using dumbbells. There are a lot of little stabilizer muscles that do not get worked because the bar makes it unnecessary for them to activate. You might not lift as much weight but that kind of proves my point. In the end you could suffer an injury to one of those little muscles.

    When I lifted weights before I was injured I could bench press a dumbbell of 115 lbs in each hand as my max rep set and it was hard. They wobble all over the place and you have fight to keep them steady. A 230 lbs bar is not much at all.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    A lot of people will disagree with this but...

    If you're using a bar, I would say stop and start using dumbbells. There are a lot of little stabilizer muscles that do not get worked because the bar makes it unnecessary for them to activate. You might not lift as much weight but that kind of proves my point. In the end you could suffer an injury to one of those little muscles.

    When I lifted weights before I was injured I could bench press a dumbbell of 115 lbs in each hand as my max rep set and it was hard. They wobble all over the place and you have fight to keep them steady. A 230 lbs bar is not much at all.

    Not sure your comparing apples to apples. With a bench press using dumbbells you DO have keep them from wobbling and falling on your face. With a deadlift your stabilizers are activate by way of the pull and lockout regardless of the bar. They keep your body in position and sturdy so the target muscles groups can produce the force to get the weight off the ground.