Need Help Badly


im 23
i weight 173 lbs
my height is 5'5

I just been on holiday and i have gained 1 stone. So i decided to go on a diet, i tried every diet going and i cant seem to lose weight, i just keep gaining.

Now i have a very low confidence issue with my weight simply because all my life people have bullied me about my weight, now as im older i do tend to take jokes about my weight as light banter but it still hurts when people comment on my weight. i wouldnt say im in the obese section as im only small in height but because of my height it looks like im fat.

I have man boobs which really get on my nerves, i tend to wear baggy clothes to hide them and i would never take my shirt off in front of people as im ashamed of them, it took alot of me to take my shirt off on holiday as everyone my age seems to be perfectly toned.

I get so depressed sometimes as i really work hard on diets and exercising and when i get on the scales it just keeps going up or stays the same. Someone told me that sometimes you dont lose weight but lose inches however when i measure them they dont budge either.

I dont go to the doctors unless im. phsically ill and sometimes then i dont, but i would never go and ask the doctor about my weight as i just dont have the confidence to do it and i think i would just burst out in tears as thats how much my weight gets to me.

So i hoping someone could give me some useful tips they have heard or been told about which i havent come across.ive listed everything i can think of what i have tried and failed.

ate 3 meals a day
ate 5 meals a day
ate 8 small meals a day
ate breakfast, lunch and dinner
ate protein
ate 1200 calories
ate 500 calories
ate 2500 calories
stopped eating carbs
drank 10 glasses of water a day
exercised everyday
done all types of cardio
done some weight training
uphill training
cardio - slow- fast repititions
removed all fizzy drinks
removed all fatty foods
eating veg and fruit
cut out most sugars ie in a brew
limited tea intake
burnt more calories then consumed
drank green tea
have 8 hours sleep every night
dont eat after 6
taken weight loss tablets
extended running
eat plenty of fish and meat
eaten- calorie foods
eaten hot food
done the vibration plates

If anyone knows of anything please get in touch, i just need some help with fellow people losing weight.

Thanks for reading.


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You missed out eating 1700 calories a day. Add heavy weights and a regular (4x30minutes a week) HIIT routine.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm maybe not the best person to answer as I still have a lot of weight to lose myself, but honestly, I think you are trying too much. When it comes to losing weight, and especially over extended periods of time, for me, the most successful way has been eating healthy choices as much as possible, staying within a calorie deficit and exercising (alternating between some cardio and strength training).

    For me, I eat 3 decent sized meals a day with one or two snacks. I always allow myself something sweet if I feel like I need it. I do cardio at least 3 times a week, and lift 3 times a week. I'm losing steadily at the moment, so its working. Its easy to overthink weight loss, make it the absolute focus of your life, but really just try to be healthier!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like motivation, my diary is open too, and good luck! :)
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I think the first thing you're doing wrong is that you're trying to 'diet'

    If you really want it to work, you need to make a the change for the long run. A lifestyle change.
    How long did you stick to each of the thing you've tried?

    And if you want, feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • I think you've tried all these diets but have you stuck to any of them for more than a month? Weight doesn't really start coming off straight away, after a couple of weeks of a new routine you should start to see the difference. Are you really being honest with yourself about how much food youre consuming and how much exercise you're doing? I know how you feel though, I'm really impatient and just want to look at myself and be like yeah, I look good. But before that, hardwork!
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    None of the things that you have listed are going to work on their own. You have to be aware of BOTH input and output.

    So, my advice is eat fewer calories per day than you burn. MFP has a lot of great tools to help you determine both your calories in and your calories out and if you have any specific questions, this community is a great place to ask them.
  • I'm no expert but can tell you worked for me :) I started out on Atkins. It was great because I got the weight loss kick-started and it completely took away my carb cravings (noticed that after a few weeks). Then I watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" (free online at the website of the same name) and I was hooked on juicing. Did that for a couple of months and now I do the green veggie juice and now incorporate salads/fish/chicken breast into my meals, also. The best thing to do is to find what new food/exercise lifestyle works for you and STICK WITH IT. Bouncing from one "diet" to another probably confuses your body? Like I said, no expert but I found what works for me and its changed my life and my body! I'm so sorry that you have been teased for your size...people can be so cruel :( Good Luck and take care!:smile:
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    I agree with much of what 's already been said.

    I think you need to set your nutrients levels at 30/30/40 - 30 percent of you diet is lean proteins, 30 percent is good fats, 40 percent is carbs.

    You need to give ANY plan or system you are using at least 2 weeks to see any changes in your body. Don't trust the scale alone - take measurements all over - neck, chest, arms, waist, hips and thighs. Each person reacts differently to healthy eating and exercise. If there are no changes in two weeks - make minor adjustments but don't abandon your plan.

    Keep at it!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I think the first thing you're doing wrong is that you're trying to 'diet'

    If you really want it to work, you need to make a the change for the long run. A lifestyle change.
    How long did you stick to each of the thing you've tried?
    I was thinking the same thing. Noticed buried in there is "exercised everyday"

    What does that mean?

    What are you doing? How many calories are you expending?
  • orangechair
    orangechair Posts: 4 Member
    You're 23 and have tried all of those things? Your body must think you're trying to attack it, and like someone else has said, nothing must have stuck for long. Some of those are things you should always do, but I'm not going to point them out, because...

    I'll throw a crazy thought out here - talk to your doctor. Tell him/her what you've tried, your frustrations, what you'd like to see, and see what they say. These forums are nice, but different things to 'try' are clearly not what you're needing. You don't need 30 more ideas.

    You need a professional who can look at your specific medical history and current health status and give you real insight into what needs to happen for you to get where you want to be, and can help you get there. If your primary doctor doesn't feel like that sort of person for you, you need to find another one.