Dont want to be fat and 40 :(

Hey Guys, Im new to this site, and have decided its time to loose 70Lbs before june 2013, Im not going to be able to do it on my own, so any support you can give me, tips, hints and encouragement would be great, I know its not going to be easy, but Id love a bit of help out there. Thanks C x


  • Hi and welcome!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Loved your title.
    I once saw a chapter title called "fair, fat and 40" and thought: I don't want that!

    Good for you!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Totally do-able. Start logging food today. It's a learning process. You teach yourself!
  • Hey guys....I'm Kimi, and I turn 40 in January.......I do not want to be fat and've just started logging food and I've got a pretty decent workout routine going, so I'm hoping that this will add a little extra UMPH to it all!!!!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, I'm turning 40 in November so will still be fat... but I'm already a heck of a lot healthier! lol
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    That is my goal too! I will not be fat and 40! I refuse we only have two choices in life to get old or die. I'm chosing to be old fit healthy and loving life. Add me if you need a fellow refuse to be fat 40.
  • CupcakeHarpy
    CupcakeHarpy Posts: 100 Member
    I want to lose a lot and I've only been on for a couple of weeks, so pretty new. Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    I'm due to turn 40 May 2013, so with you on this one :)
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I am 37 and I don't want to be fat by 40 either. I have doing this low carb, calorie counting working out 5 days a week thing since the beginning of June and I have lost 31lbs and now am 234. I am hoping to be down to 160 by next June. I am hoping that is a realistic goal that I set for myself. Please add me, maybe we can help each other or just be there for support ;)