Yes this is my weight....



  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I only tell my weight to my husband, my best friend and my mom (other than doctors, but that's not by choice). I hate telling people my weight because I still have a good bit to lose, but I also weigh more than I look like I should. I've had nurses re-weigh me because they thought the scale was just off. A couple have even argued with me when I've weighed in on the manual scales and moved the 50-lb marker to where I knew it needed to be.

    I will, however, tell people that I was around 350 at my heaviest. I think hearing that gives them a much different perspective on my current weight. They see how far I've come, rather than just focusing on how much I still need to lose.
  • adbmama
    adbmama Posts: 17 Member
    I never told anyone until recently, except my former husband when we were still married (he was also severely overweight). I have found myself telling some people I was over 400 lbs and am still just over 300 (309.5). I have started talking about it to those who ask how much I've lost for a couple of reasons. One, when they ask how much I've lost (which is a bit of a complicated answer), I realize they are looking at me thinking "but you are still so fat". The second reason is accountability in a way because I also know I am never going back there. I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far, and while I wish I had never done it to myself - at least I am doing something about it now. I feel by admitting where I was, it keeps me honest and accountable to myself for every choice I make now and going forward. I still have a long way to go, but I am a different person and will continue the journey the rest of my life.
  • case87
    case87 Posts: 30 Member
    I only tell my weight to my husband, my best friend and my mom (other than doctors, but that's not by choice). I hate telling people my weight because I still have a good bit to lose, but I also weigh more than I look like I should. I've had nurses re-weigh me because they thought the scale was just off. A couple have even argued with me when I've weighed in on the manual scales and moved the 50-lb marker to where I knew it needed to be.

    I will, however, tell people that I was around 350 at my heaviest. I think hearing that gives them a much different perspective on my current weight. They see how far I've come, rather than just focusing on how much I still need to lose.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but that's not what the OP was asking for. Do you just go on everyone's posts and tell them how they should change their diets? I'm glad I have my diary set so only my friends can see it!

    To the OP- great job so far, and keep working at it every day! I also feel more comfortable telling people where I started, and I have only lost 20 of the 80 I want to lose!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE POUND. Yep, that's right 563. Actually down from over 570. I don't care who knows. Someone asks me, I'll tell them. It aint no secret I'm fat.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I don't normally advertise my weight but don't mind doing it here. My highest weight was 290. I started MFP at 282 and am down to 261 - 21 pounds gone!!! Want to love at least 100 pounds then will decide where to go from there. My biggest challenge is exercise - I would rather curl up with a good book!! I've been compromising - I ride the exercise bike and read a book at the same time.
    UZBGIRL Posts: 35
    I am sure it feels good to say it, to speak out. Great job, you lost 47lbs. i prefer not to say my weight but if they ask i tell them in kgs.. sound so less. :smile:
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I only tell my weight to my husband, my best friend and my mom (other than doctors, but that's not by choice). I hate telling people my weight because I still have a good bit to lose, but I also weigh more than I look like I should. I've had nurses re-weigh me because they thought the scale was just off. A couple have even argued with me when I've weighed in on the manual scales and moved the 50-lb marker to where I knew it needed to be.

    I will, however, tell people that I was around 350 at my heaviest. I think hearing that gives them a much different perspective on my current weight. They see how far I've come, rather than just focusing on how much I still need to lose.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but that's not what the OP was asking for. Do you just go on everyone's posts and tell them how they should change their diets? I'm glad I have my diary set so only my friends can see it!

    I'm really hoping that you meant to quote the poster above me.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    It feels very cathartic and freeing to be able to finally say my weight. I've been stating it out loud since starting on MFP. I'm not proud of the fact I weight 310lbs, but I feel good that I can finally say it out loud. The secret is revealed so to speak. Do you tell others your weight? Do you feel safe being able to state your current weight on MFP? Does it make you feel good to finally say it out loud.
    Why do you not feel safe telling your weight? Anyone who says something offensive to you about your numbers on the scale are just asking to get that many stitches in their jaw, and 310 stitches is a lot of damage lol. We all freak out over numbers on a scale and its just ridiculous. My mom has this crazy notion that she should weigh 98 pounds since she is barely 5 feet tall and I am like, "Hello? You're 67 years old and not a 10 year old anymore" the weights and measurement charts have changed since those days. Most people at her height don't weigh that little today unless they are younger girls/boys whatever, anorexic or super models. I understand getting yourself to a certain weight and wanting to lose some but you should never let some other A hole's opinion of your numbers make you feel bad about telling someone what you weigh, especially if you feel like you can't even tell your best friends. And believe me, the people in the doctors offices do not care. I use to think that when I was younger like 12 years old and didn't go to the doctors because I didn't want to get weighed at 5'4 and 104 pounds because some *kitten* called me "huge". I was in 6th grade and never forgot that.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I used to weight 310 last year. I'm now 220. I don't really get depressed telling people my weight.

    The depressing part is all that talk about "every 30lb you lose will increase your penis size by 1" "

    That's a lie. A complete and utter lie :(
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    No, I don't talk about my weight. I don't like to tell people how much I weigh when I'm skinny. I don't even say my weight on MFP.
  • jenniferlthomas0305
    jenniferlthomas0305 Posts: 76 Member
    I started out at 341lbs 67 days ago. I'm down to 304. I used to keep that very guarded but now that I'm down 37lbs, I don't care who knows! I'm on my way down and NEVER going back! If they don't like who I am or who I used to be, well tough.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Just to add that I think it's a great ownership moment when you can really 'own' the number.
    I know it takes a while for some people and you don't have to tell anyone. But knowing what it is and where you have to go from here is great!
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I use to think that when I was younger like 12 years old and didn't go to the doctors because I didn't want to get weighed at 5'4 and 104 pounds because some *kitten* called me "huge". I was in 6th grade and never forgot that.

    I've always been chubby and I remember in elementary school when we'd all have to get our heights and weights done as a class. Everytime I got on the scale, the nurse would walk over and whisper it to the teacher writing everything down instead of announcing it like she did everyone else's. I guess that's when I started feeling like the number on the scale was something I should be ashamed of. I'm really looking forward to the day when I can announce it proudly, though.
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    As I was progressing with my weight loss, it became easier to announce to EVERYONE, "Yeah...I used to weigh over 300 pounds". I do have some issue telling people how much I weigh now because my mind hasn't caught up to the loss and I'm always afraid someone will accuse me of lying. By the way, I now weigh 147. Haha!

    That is AWESOME!!!!! :drinker:

    And as everyone can see, my weight is on the little ticker below me! I'm 199 now - haven't been below 200 in awhile and I hope it stays that way!!! :glasses:
  • htater88
    WoW! You're inspirational! Great job on your weight loss journ:flowerforyou: ey...
  • Everythin2Lose
    I've found I'm telling more and more people because they think it isn't such a big deal that I'm at the gym everyday and watching everything I am eating- it's like they know I'm fat, but not fat enough to be serious! I started on here at 108.5kgs, last weigh in I'd lost over 2kgs. But telling people makes me accountable this time, I can make myself seem thinner with clothes BUT I am obese & I don't want to be and I mean business this time.
    After telling people I've gotten so much more support from my close friends and family- this all started with being open and honest on MFP and I'm really thankful!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I just said my weight to my kids this morning for the first time. Each and everyone of them, (4) is lighter than me, thank goodness. My son said " Thats not that bad."
    I'm going to get back in my wedding dress if I have to lose 55 pounds to do it!

    Good for you!
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    To the OP... I had a quick look at your diary. You might want to consider giving up diet sodas completely as, even though they contain no calories, they still contribute to weight gain and make it lots harder to lose fat.

    Consuming high amounts of fructose (a type of sugar), artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols (another type of low-calorie sweetener) cause your gut bacteria to adapt in a way that interferes with your satiety signals and metabolism, according to a new paper in Obesity Reviews.

    What??? This isn't what the OP asked. And drinking diet sodas does NOT make you gain weight. If that be the case then why have I lost 48 lbs.?? Don't believe everything you read. Everything in moderation.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    As I was progressing with my weight loss, it became easier to announce to EVERYONE, "Yeah...I used to weigh over 300 pounds". I do have some issue telling people how much I weigh now because my mind hasn't caught up to the loss and I'm always afraid someone will accuse me of lying. By the way, I now weigh 147. Haha!

    That is AWESOME!!!!! :drinker:

    And as everyone can see, my weight is on the little ticker below me! I'm 199 now - haven't been below 200 in awhile and I hope it stays that way!!! :glasses:

    Both ^^^^ totally awesome!
  • mnlght535