Is it just me? or maybe my imagination



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Some people feel more of a need for a bubble of personal space than others. And some people have a favorite treadmill. I had both. There was only one treadmill I liked because it had the best airflow in the whole building. But I also don't like people close to me, so I'd silently stew and have a miserable time if I had to use another treadmill. And now that I don't go to a gym and do all my running outside, it seems equally odd to feel the need to have a buffer zone, or feel a Sheldon Cooper-esque anger that "you're in my spot," or to feel competitive about someone next to me.

    We're all weird, in our own ways.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks for the input--everybody! And for reading over my glaring typos.:ohwell: A lot to think about. It is nice to know---whether accurate or imaginative---that I am not alone in feeling this way. You can sometimes sense a competitive vibe---and I am sensitive--so knowing others experience this was a big help. I also appreciate looking at it from the view--that I am the problem- challenge and the solution~

    But I also might try the extra towels and water:devil: :laugh:

    I took a Pilates-yoga today, and no one cared that I could not sustain the downward dog for more than 10 seconds. I know that is possible at other clubs. I have a passport membership with a chain health club so I can go to any location. Since being comfortable is important to me -- I will suss out locations with a mellow-er atmosphere-- which means getting there early--or during offpeak hours---I like having workouts with less people around.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I like to be relatively close to someone who has already started their workout simply because I know I shouldnt stop until well after they have... and occasionally I do glance to see how long someone has been at it just to gage how far through their workout they may or may not be... so I know if I need to pick a new unwilling imaginary running partner somewhere in close proximity I can do so...

    but I def. do NOT pick the machine right next to someone unless a) its my favorite (dont lie to yourself in a room full of treadmills we all have our favorites either bc of the machine itself or its location) or b) there are no more available... Im definitely not going to be the one ramping up the speed either though...

    my pet peeve is the girls who jump on run at 7.0 with their long hair down... your not Farrah on the beach sweetheart so stop kidding yourself..
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Give her a big smile and say "nice job!"

    I'm serious. Whether you're the heavy one feeling weak or the skinny one sprinting next to a slow walker, you can easily diffuse the "competition" with a minimal show of support for whatever the other person is doing.
    ^^ this
    this is a great idea, i always get a really fit man decide to sprint a marathon or make a blur of the cross trainer next to me and subconciously start going faster until i think my legs will fall off! foolish competitive streak of mine!
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    Give her a big old smile and say "HI! Wow you look great! How long did it take you to work up to x mph? What do you eat? How often do you work out? Let's go get a smoothie after this!"

    You'll either make a new friend, or she'll never come near you again :)
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    get a similar thing at the pool- women using my lengths to pace themselves- ensuring they are always ahead of me. Last time I overheard a couple of girls counting thier lengths- I did'nt tell them that I was ten ahead of them! It p*sses me off though.
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    You get all kinds at a gym. Just do your thing. Having spent years using gyms I've learned to create a little bubble. I have come to learn how to control my pace on TM's by sticking to my training plan when someone hops onto one next to me and decides to race (usually guys). It's empowering to not give in to the urge to let their closeness affect my workout.
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    I've been having the same problem, I try to run/jog/do the best I can at the high school track, I usually go around 8:45-9 pm and it never fails, I am sweating/breathing heavy and here comes this little 120 pound high school track star, wearing her little shorty shorts.... and I feel like this huge pig... it's stupid.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I know when I used the gym I picked a treadmill based on it's location in the gym (i.e., in front of the windows!) because I liked to look outside while I ran on them, made running inside more enjoyable and easy for me. I would never purposely pick a treadmill right next to someone if I could avoid it though, but since I used the window (and not the TV) it sometimes happened.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    my question is who cares?

    I dont give a hoot if someone decides they wanna use the elliptical right next to me even if there are 10 more open. WHY. DOES. IT. MATTER?!

    Maybe I am the odd person though. I might be the only one who thinks this way.

    Also, I really could care less what the person looks like and it is no competition in my mind. People who think that are insecure. I have my favorite piece of equipment at the gym and you bet your sweet behind I wanna use it every time I go. Also I dont like using some of the machines cause some are broken and wobbly, some do not have the subtitles hooked up on the tv screens and I like to watch the tv when I work out. There are so many reasons other than ALL ABOUT YOU why someone might have chosen the machine next to you.

    I dont care if its right smack dab in the middle of two people. If you wanna be alone don't go to a public gym. I have every right to run my *kitten* off on the treadmill in my shorty shorts right next to you.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Did you consider the dismaying observation that this chamber has no windows, and no doors?
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    She might be 'slim' but you have no idea how far she's come.
    She might had started like you hae if she can go on machine that fast straight away for me I think she's worked hard to be able to do that, and others are right some people might feel embarrassed to be on a machine in middle of empty ones - even slim people have insecurities, being next to you they might not feel as looked at, also she could be looking at you hoping you say something to her.

    I'm always a fan of 'smile it confuses people' I always smile if someone stares at me and who knows where it'll lead you could come on in 6 months and some of these girls become good friends :D
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I wont lie, I used to do it so I could look over and see how fast the other person was going and try to keep up with them, it was a secret challenge for me. (=
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    I usually go on the tredmill/machine next to someone, because I feel that if I take the one further away I'll give the other person the feeling that I don't like them/don't want to be near them. So I socially hop on to the one next to someone. Sometimes it gives room for a nice chat between intervals.

    Maybe she's thinking the same thing and was just trying to be a nice person?

    Of course I also see your point, but sometimes we make assumptions that aren't always really true!
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    She might be 'slim' but you have no idea how far she's come.
    She might had started like you hae if she can go on machine that fast straight away for me I think she's worked hard to be able to do that, and others are right some people might feel embarrassed to be on a machine in middle of empty ones - even slim people have insecurities, being next to you they might not feel as looked at, also she could be looking at you hoping you say something to her.

    I'm always a fan of 'smile it confuses people' I always smile if someone stares at me and who knows where it'll lead you could come on in 6 months and some of these girls become good friends :D

    Very true. I am NOT a very social person, rather an introvert(except my online time) but I almost always smile at people who I know are looking at me and if I'm feeling goofy I wave and scream "hi friend" and it really confuses them.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    It's probably just your imagination. For me I have 'my' treadmill at the gym which is my 'favorite' LOL. I always go for that one. Last time I was at the gym I hopped on it and started to do my thing (I ramp up to 5mph within a minute) and this very obese woman next to me started glaring at me. I snuck a peek at her treadmill and she was only going 2mph. It then dawned on me that she probably thought I was competing with her or trying to show her up or something. I wasn't!

    Just do your thing and block out other people. Trust me they are focused on their own workout.

    If it was me, sorry. I have my favorite treadmills and go for them if I can. They have my fav tvs in front of them. But I don't look at others treadmills if I can help it. I do the towel over mine so no one can see it. Maybe that would be a good idea?

    I've done the towel over thing. :) I'm a slow poke. I'd rather ramp the thing up to the max incline and walk slowly to get my sweat on than run. I feel like running is too hard on my knees. There could be a MILLION reasons she decided to hop on next to you. Many people have already explained a lot of them. The most important thing to remember is to just do what YOU are doing and don't feel bad about what they are doing even if they are sneaking peeks at you. She may very well be thinking "wow, she's doing something great for her health." I know I tend to smile when I see someone who is as over weight as I used to be working hard. I think to myself "how great that they are trying to make changes!"
  • mdcnwolf
    mdcnwolf Posts: 21 Member
    Here is another idea, although could be the truth also.

    Maybe she is trying to encourage you to do your best without saying a word. On the other hand, maybe she needs the quiet encouragment of a brave soul as your self to do HER best.

    I have had friends (skinny mini's) that would look at me ( heavy betty) and would be in awe for my bravery at tackling whatever was in my way, be it work, exercise, weight or just the world. Alot of women need someone to look to for that boost they don't get from home. Maybe you are her boost. Just smile next time and continue on your way. You are doing wonderfully and don't let anyone tell you different. Pretty soon, you will be the "skinny mini" on the treadmill. Just remember you are you and not the competition, no matter what you look like, feel or listen to.

    Have fun.
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    I usually go on the tredmill/machine next to someone, because I feel that if I take the one further away I'll give the other person the feeling that I don't like them/don't want to be near them. So I socially hop on to the one next to someone. Sometimes it gives room for a nice chat between intervals.

    Maybe she's thinking the same thing and was just trying to be a nice person?

    Of course I also see your point, but sometimes we make assumptions that aren't always really true!

    Aw. That's so kind!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    because we hate that no one will go to the gym with us, because everyone says just being around them and being fit makes them feel guilty and they dont want us around, so we run next to you so we dont feel so alone, especially because in our brains, we are still carrying around the extra 100 pounds and we dont know we are arent fat anymore. We see someone working hard and we think to ourselves, oh good, she is like me, maybe i can be near her and she wont hate me.

    guess not.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Next time, instead of getting all judgmental on her for allegedly getting all judgmental on you realize that she is there for the exact same reason as you are, and she is working as hard as she can, just like you are working as hard as you can. Then, smile at her, knowing that you're secretly compadres and on the same mission: to be better than you were yesterday.