Walking with incline on treadmill



  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    I absolutely love my treadmill sessions! I really try to get the most bang for my buck doing incline intervals. I go 4mph, and change the interval each minute - right now I'm doing 5, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 - and repeat for anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on what other exercise I've done that day or how much time I have.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    I walk with incline maxed at 15, speed 2.6 and burns over 1100 per 65minutes, and then will do 65min on the elliptical.....which burns over 1000...........not sure exacly how much i'm burning but i'm drenched in sweat and I feel it in my legs lol.......the treadmill workout hurts more than the ellipical.........I do this 5 or 6 times a week.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    ...People who walk at high speeds and high inclines, but have to hold on for dear life, not only have bad biomechanics, but are only burning a fraction of the calories they think they are...

    It drives me nuts when I see people doing this. And I see it ALL THE TIME. It always seems like such a waste to me. :tongue:

    I disagree!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I never walk unless there is incline. Otherwise, I do my best to run. I usually start with incline all the way up and gradually lower it, while increasing the speed at the same time.
  • mandieme0w
    I've found alternating inclines with the same speed makes a huge difference for me!
  • jokenn88
    jokenn88 Posts: 1 Member
    brlandr1 wrote: »
    Will walking for a minimum of 60 minutes at an incline of (7.0) 7% with a speed of 3.5 or higher be effective for weight loss and the loss of inches?
    additional info: this of course is being combined with controlled eating, low carb-high protein way of life. *Also I cannot run or use the elliptical as of now due to a recent surgery. I have only been cleared for treadmill use and extremely light weights (10-15 pounds.nothing higher).
    Any advice or success stories welcomed and appreciated!!!!:wink:

    Yes, it’s one of the best exercise routines you’ll ever do! I am a 55 year old male who has been using the treadmill for 25+ years. I am on no medication, have a resting heart rate in the 50s, very little belly fat and can keep up with most 20 somethings so, yes, the treadmill can be one of your best friends. Not only is a good for you physically, but it will help you immensely, mentally, because it is “your time” and you can play your favorite music and think about the things that are important to you while on the machine. My workout is 45-60 minutes at variable speeds between 4.0 and 4.5 mph at 10-15% incline. I do 2-3 intervals of 3.3 MPH at 3% for one minute in this set. I recently stopped, but when I was younger I would throw in 2 to 3 intervals of a quick sprint at 8.0 at 3% to keep the target heart rate up. On the steep inclines (over 10) I hold onto the top hand rails lightly and try to utilize most of my body (core and legs) to maintain the speed. Contrary to many beliefs of members on this site, holding onto the handle still gives me an extremely intense workout and I am drenched in sweat and my heart rate is above my target rate for most of the work out. Also, along with this work out, I try to get at least 15 to 30 minutes of weight training on different body parts each day to maintain my muscle mass. And, most importantly, I eat healthy - limiting my meat intake to fish and chicken breast and plenty of legumes, beans, fibers and salads (steel cut oatmeal for breakfast). I know that many of the experts will find plenty of flaws in my routine, however, it has helped me maintain my 30-year-old body into my 50s!