Just Doing it!

My sister has been bugging me for a while to get on this website .I made the time to sign up after we had a sisters night and my 3 sisters and I all weighed ourselves to compare. I am a triplet so 3 of us are identical with one sister slightly more mature then us by a few years :)

What's hard about having someone look like you is that you are always compare to eachother. It's inevitable. People just can't help it. Especially if you're wearing the same bikini. We are turning 28 next month and it's hard to belive the numbers we saw on that scale. Somehow we all managed to put on about 30 more pounds since college out of no where. What happened? The only sister that was doing well was my elder sister who was using my fitness pal as a reality check to watch what she was eating but she also is excersising all the time. She's about 4 years older than me with 3 kids yet is only a few pounds more than me. It's hard to noctie the weight when we are all gaining it together. The bittersweet part about it all is that we put on weight porptionaltly versus only in one area so the only way to notice the weight gain is when your clothes stop fitiing but by that time it's already too late. You think to yourself your clothes are just shriking a bit until your loosest pants are the only ones that fit you right now. Anyway, that night I got my wake up call.

After signing up on the website I saw an banner advertisment for losing belly fat and clicked on it. It toke me to a site for Fat Burning Furnace. I researched the company and website thoroughly and bought the Ebook and read it in the first 24 hours. The info I got from this Ebook was priceless! I expanded more on my expierence in another post but if you are curious to know more info about the life changing truths I discovered look for the banner on the my fitness pal website about loosing belly fat above or copy and paste the link below. Once you understand how your body works you won't believe how much control you will have. If anyone is interested I cant give you a few helpful tips from the book to encourage you. It's absolutly amazing yet simple. Check them out!



  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome to the site! It's made it so much easier for me to lose weight. I hope it works for you too.