Need to rant!!!

daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
On the 6th August, I got a text from a friend of mine. Well, I say friend. I mean friend-turned-stalker. He texted me to ask me why on earth I hadn't spoken to him for all of one day when I had seen him once. His tone was quite aggressive, so I replied with "I'm fine" and hoped he'd leave it at that.

Sadly, he did not and he kept sending me texts saying that he wanted to know what was "really" going on (I was on holiday trying to relax!). Eventually I rang him and told him, as politely as possible, that I was fine and I did not appreciate his repeated text messages. We parted angrily, so I left it and waited until we had both calmed down before attempting to rectify the situation.

Here comes the bit that angered me the most. This friend-turned-stalker claimed to have autism (which is fair enough) but could not provide any proof of this other than an eight-year-old statement from a doctor. Anyone who has had a diagnosis of autism or Asperger Syndrome will know that you have an initial screening process in which you take an Autism Quotient test to determine a) whether or not you have autism and b) how bad it is.

He tried to tell me he had autism and tried to use it as an excuse for harassing and upsetting me rather than apologising. That's what realllly annoyed me - that he did not apologise. It was all about him and how horrid it was to have autism. He's 18. I've had Asperger Syndrome since I was born, and I am 21 this year. Do you see me moan about it? No. That's between me and my diary.

Sorry to rant but it's just pissed me off beyond belief that he is using autism as an excuse. Don't get me wrong, he might have autism, and it is a social and communication problem (after 31 books and 21 years experience, I know a lot about it). That is no excuse though, and never should be.


  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    Chicks r weird
  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    Be careful with obsessive people...he may or may not have autism but its obvious he has a problem...people with heavy head issues cant really be empathetic or sympathetic so dont let his problem become yours. If you cant ignore him call your cell company and have them block the number. If you see him just stick with "hey sorry we argued. I wish you thebest,but I really have to go."