Green Tea?



  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I like tea a lot, green, black, white, herbals, whatever.

    Green tea is great at curbing your appetite. The research I read was that those that included green tea daily in their diet lost up to 8 lbs per year. Now that doesn't seem like a lot but it also doesn't hurt.

    If you feel hungry between meals/snacks, green tea is great to drink. It is good hot, iced, whatever although I found hot it is a bit better at curbing appetite.
  • vardoger1893
    Green Tea has plenty of something called "polyphenols" which helps burn fat. Also, be careful with the amount of caffeine your intaking, it messes with your adrenal glands and after prolonged use can in-fact mess your body up :/

  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Is it better to drink caffeinated green tea, or decaf?

    Does it matter?
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Hello. I'm new-ish to the site. I started a while back and then stopped right away and have started again this week.
    Anyway, I've started drinking a cup of green tea after every meal. Last week I read somewhere ( I cannot remember where) that the caffeine in tea and black coffee can boost your metabolism up to 12% for a short period of time. But green, oolong, and I think white tea was the best because of the catechins...?? The catechins are some of the antioxidants found in the teas. Here's something I just found by googling.

    So this all looks great. And I am getting used to drinking green tea with no sugar or honey in it. But I'm wondering if anyone else has any success stories about boosting your weight loss this way.
