Ladies: All Female or Co-Ed Gym?



  • doinit78
    doinit78 Posts: 17 Member
    Co-Ed!!! I actually feel more judged by women than by men. Eye candy keeps me going.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Co-ed all the way!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Co-Ed!!! I actually feel more judged by women than by men. Eye candy keeps me going.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I go to a hospital-connected wellness center and that's the best option.

    It's ungordly expensive ($89 a month for a family membership) but it has a pool, staff on site to help with form or machines, etc. Also, lots of extremely obese and/or elderly people are there working out with doctor's orders, so I am never the oldest or heaviest person in the gym or pool, but there is a nice balance of health nuts as well for motivation.

    I'm building my free weight routine so I personally like having the guys to watch. I am nervous about form, etc. so they provide a good example. I'm not the only woman who does free weights in my gym, but I can count on one hand how many I've seen over there with me. I need the guys to learn from.
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    I've always gone to a co-ed gym, but I will admit that I don't do a lot of weight stuff there unless there are nto many there. I"m simply kind of intimited by the all the guys that hang out by the weights.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    I don't know if it's just the area I live in or what, but I go to a co-ed gym (I actually belong to two, one at home when I come home for breaks, and one at my university), and I have never been followed out to the car by a man, or hit on, or stalked, or stared at for an extended period of time. It's never happened to any of my friends, and I haven't seen it happen to any of the other girls either. At the gyms I go to people are there to work out.

    I am also not afraid to walk right over to the free weights and grab my little 10 lb dumb bells. No one has ever looked at me funny, and I won't get in the workout I want unless I stop caring about what others think, get what I want, and get to work lol.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    I go to a Co-ED gym, and have been to quite a few over the years. I usually join/go to the smaller local gyms not the big ones like LA Fitness. I've never noticed anyone judging me (aside from my trainer) but that doesn't mean the crazy fit girls don't do it but I've been lucky enough to not hear it.

    I like the co-eds because I'm competitive and I grew up with brothers. I always push myself harder if I can compare myself to a guy near by. I don't feel the same way with other girls, which is weird. If there is a guy on a treadmill near me I feel the drive to push a little longer. If I'm on the circuit I always push myself for an extra set and a little more weight.

    My only problem with the co-eds (which only happens once in a great while) is I always seem to attached the creepy guy. You know the one. He comes in and gets on the treadmill next to me (or whatever I'm on) and will flat out stare at me while he's running...though last time he almost fell off from leaning towards me. lol
  • weemawhit
    weemawhit Posts: 26 Member
    I prefer working out in situations with only women. I used to work out at a couple of co-ed gyms, they weren't terrible, but I definitely felt out of place and a little self conscious. I'm really lucky that I live right next to a friendly all-womens gym now; most of the members are at least twice my age, but they're all sweet and encouraging.

    There was a guy that would follow around my friend and I, and if we were close enough, he would start making really loud groaning noises while lifting. Hey, if you need to make noises during your workouts, I totally understand that-- but if you're trying to pick up chicks, that isn't how I would suggest doing it! He was really quiet until the two of us were around, LOL! Awkward..
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    It totally depends on what you are comfortable with, but I prefer a co-ed gym as well. I find women to be competitive and catty a lot of the time. Not only do men not act like that, but I've also found them to be very helpful and supportive in the weight room. I can understand being intimidated but, the reality is, men aren't judgmental about it. It takes a lot to walk into a room filled with men and do your thing - they know that and will respect you all the more for it.
  • rockermom5
    I've done both - my experience with the all female gym was not terribly convenient hours and not much variety for a pretty big price tag. My husband and I are now on our third co-ed gym, and while I still feel self conscious at times, I spend the majority of my time in the free weight area with the boy's club. Not many women venture over there, so I feel a little out of place. However, like someone else said, the guys can be the nicest people at the gym. Our gym has a lot to offer, and I have barely begun to scratch the surface, even after a year.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    coed is necessary.
  • lauratovar218
    lauratovar218 Posts: 3 Member
    Personally- I prefer working out without men around. I get too worried about how I look and simultaneously do not want to be hit on. Yes.. That makes no sense. So, best for me to stick with the park track or Jazzercise.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Co-Ed gym. Bigger and waaaaay better equipment and facilities. Plus it was cheaper. Plus more locations. Never noticed any looks or snickers. People, of all gender identities, everywhere. Everyone seems nice--I just smile at all peeps. :smiley:

    Only pet peeve is when men try to take disks off the leg press when I'm using without asking because they assume I won't need them. Shrug. I tell them otherwise. Only happened a couple of times. #beastmode
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Wow this is an old thread.

    I don't care either way. Exercising in front of men isn't something that has ever bothered me, no matter if I was in good or bad shape.

    And getting hit on has never been an issue for me. It either has never happened in any environment or maybe has happened and I didn't realize it. I don't know. Sometimes the posts from women complaining about how much they get hit on make me wonder if I live in an alternate universe. Either way, it's not something that has ever disrupted a workout.