How to fill in the sagging skin?

So after losing, gaining, losing, gaining, and finally losing- my body has been through it all. This last leg of weight loss, and now that I am certainly done having kids, I need to start toning and filling in all this excess skin. My most troubled areas are my underarms, upper inner thighs and my chest. I have considered getting breast augmentation but the cost is too high. I need to know what exercises to start with in order to get these areas toned- cant take all this excess sagging skin. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!


  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Most of the time it isnt skin but a layer of fat still there. If its thin, sticks together when sqeezed and wrinkly its excess skin. Only surgery can fix this if its been at least a year since reaching this. Takes about that for the skin to bounce back. Otherwise its excess subcutaneous fat and lifting weights will help with that. I would recommend compound movements because you get the most bang for your buck.