Water Article



  • BetterVersion
    Thanks for this!

    I just started focusing on my water intake yesterday. I was definitely less hungry throughout the day.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks for the link. I needed to hear that today! :drinker:
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I've been awful about water most of my life. Trying to do better.
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208

    Actually there is no scientific support about drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I posted an article I found from a scientific journal about this a few months back. It all started with the jogging trend in the 70's but there is no scientific proof that drinking 8 or more glasses a day will help weight loss. Many foods have water in them and people don't can't that.
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Check out this link. There is no scientific proof that you should be drinking 8 -8oz glasses of water a day.

  • saint84
    saint84 Posts: 2,182
    I'm not for or against the water consumption ideals, I do however tend to let my body dictate my water intake. If I'm thirsty I drink, if I'm not, I don't. I guess i might be a bit grumpy that when water used to be basically "Free" no one really cared until it cost as much as a soda, I guess it could just be me doing this :grumble:
  • saint84
    saint84 Posts: 2,182
    I will say this though, If you choose water over a soda or any other beverage, now that is Great!
  • BetterVersion
    I'm not for or against the water consumption ideals, I do however tend to let my body dictate my water intake. If I'm thirsty I drink, if I'm not, I don't. I guess i might be a bit grumpy that when water used to be basically "Free" no one really cared until it cost as much as a soda, I guess it could just be me doing this :grumble:

    That last part irritates me too. I choose not to believe, however, that my tap water is any worse than 20 ounce bottles of water that cost $2, so I simply buy a fifty cent gallon of water, drink it and refill it under the tap. So long as it's cold, I don't care! LoL

    That's a good point about letting your body dictate water consumption. I'm no good at that, though. If I'm thirsty I drink a diet soda usually, so I have to make a conscious effort to drink water instead. It's a habit you have to get into, just like everything else, I suppose.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Check out this link. There is no scientific proof that you should be drinking 8 -8oz glasses of water a day.


    I see that as about healthy people who don't need to lose weight. That doesn't describe a majority of us on this site.

    I know from experience that when I drink more water, I have an easier time losing the weight. :)
  • saint84
    saint84 Posts: 2,182
    mammamccoy, your exactly right, choosing to drink water instead of that nice ice cold diet dew is a tough one for me but also think about all the benefits of cutting out soda, even if it is diet. The carbonation bloats you the sodium bloats you, everything about soda, while good in moderation just kinda stinks :sad: and I do love me some diet dew.

    TheGoblinRoad, I think your right on that account as well, many of times if I've got the muchies late at night, I run to the sink fill up a big cup of water and just chug. You wont be hungry with a belly full of aqua :wink: