Suppper picky eater!!!

Im a super picky eater and I need some ideas on what to eat to help loose weight.
I dont eat veggies or salad, Im from Texas so im a meat and potatos kinda girl.
Does anyone have any new ideas on how to cook chicken or what i could do to sneek in some veggies without being able to taste them?


  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Do you like spaghetti? You can sneak all kinds of things into spaghetti sauce. I like to grate up zucchini and squash in mine. You can't taste it at all.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    not sure why people think you HAVE to eat tons of vegetables to lose weight....

    calories in, calories out. you can do it with any food. but for your health, i would suggest eating steak maybe less often and replacing it with fish? or even chicken like you said. i'm just wary of the "bad fat" in some red meat

    i like to make salmon or tilapia (white fish) a few times a week. i just put a bit of butter, salt and pepper on it, wrap it in foil and bake it for the time it needs really simply. you can put boiled potatos in with the fish and itll roast them.
  • Thats another thing I left out I hate fish! :(
    I usually eat chicken but you can only eat it the same way so many times a week!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    LIke another post mentioned, spaghetti sauce is a great way to get veggies in. I run them through my food processor to hide them. I like them but my step son does not. You can also do that with chili. I"ve added peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, carrots, onion, tomatoes, without anyone being the wiser. I also make a chicken taco soup that is REALLY good and you could hide all sorts of veggies in that. Throw a few chicken breasts in the crockpot with a can of black beans, a can of pinto beans, a packet of taco seasoning (or the homemade version), some mexican chili powder, 1.5 cups of chicken broth, then blend or process 2 cans of tomatoes, some onion, peppers, and throw that in. Cook on low all day. Shred the chicken, serve with cornbread, a bit of shredded cheese and sour cream if you want. It is SO good!!

    I would also recommend continuing to try different vegetables. You may find you like some!