Somebody Light the Fire, I Have Too Many Excuses!

Haha so I keep making excuses for my current weight and laziness. Some days I feel absolutely horrible when I look in the mirror and look 30 pounds over what my body image generally is and where I used to be. Other days, I love myself like crazy and realize that I've gained weight for a number of reasons and all have contributed to my happiness. For me, I gain weight when I'm happy and lose it when I'm stressed or depressed.

But I'm happy so I'm fat, which means I'm not very happy phycially...yes, a terrible circle. of retarded logic. So here's my deal:

*I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years and have gotten into a happy routine so I don't feel as inclined to be super sexy.

*I graduated college in May and put on most of the weight in the final semester. A bit also gained while unemployed, though I worked out constantly and fought it off.

*I have a desk job that I love, but I sit on my bum all day and it's awful. I have a thigh master under my desk but share my office with another girl (who is tiny, by the way haha) and only use it when she is gone for the day.

*I'm vegetarian and eat mostly healthy food. My vices are alcohol, anything with cheese, late night snacking after drinking, and binging when the boyfriend is out of the apartment.

Anyone else amazing with the excuses but still getting their *kitten* in shape? I am having a hard time finding time for the gym. Right after work is perfect except the gym is literally packed. I'm awful in the mornings and the gym is also packed at that time. Late at night...well, there's always laundry to do or drinks to be had.

Do I really need to just give up alcohol for awhile? Haha not that I'm an alcoholic but I'm 23 and love my alcohol tolerance. Baseball is over so that will cut down on my pub outings, but there's a football game on Saturday and I just can't turn down Guinness on tap. I just need to hit the gym every day, don't I?

*sigh* End of rant, sorry :-)


  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    You don't *have* to give up the alcohol but it'd be really beneficial for weight loss.

    I'm full of excuses usually but working on it myself. I gave up alcohol a few years ago, now just 1 or two drinks a year.
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    Hey if it helps you, I'll be accountable to you if you'll be accountable to me. I'm at my highest i've been in the past 3 years, unhappy as ever, I know I can do it, i'll just be more inclined to if I have to check in with someone everyday. It is physically impossible for me to lie, so i'll be honest with you about what I'm doing. Let me know if you want the accountability partner.
  • cmurphy04722
    Added you as a friend, let's start this! :-)
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hey! You had given me some great advice for motivation, just reposting what you said:

    As for some motivation, here are some that have worked for me in the past and that I'll be using again now that I'm getting my life back together.

    *I don't have cable, so I make sure that I hit the gym when a baseball/football game is on that will keep me engaged and keep me on the treadmill/elliptical for more than 30 minutes!

    *I keep a migraine journal in my desk at work (also tracks my fitness/health level) and I taped a few pictures on the first few pages: 1 of me when I was 18 in a dress and in peak fitness, 1 of me and my boyfriend on vacation when I was still looking pretty delicious, and 1 of me in Mexico (where I lost 15 pounds from working out all the time to keep up with the drinking hehe). I don't need pictures of what I look like now--I'm aware! But it's some motivation, like-hey I could look like THAT again!

    *Every now and then, I bust out the suitcase of clothes that I can't wear until I lose weight...I don't try them on (that's just torture) but I remind myself of the wardrobe I'll have (for free!) when I get myself back in shape.

    *I set mini-goals. In the long run, of course, I want to live a healthy life and all that. In the short run, I have a goal for Halloween (costume time), my birthday at the end of November (have to look fabulous), a holiday gala at my work in December (time to get back in that dress), my boyfriend's birthday in January, my 3 year anniversary in February, etc. There's always an occasion where I know I'll feel better if I am toned and healthy. So instead of thinking long term, I think: alright, let's lose 5 pounds before Halloween, or I should tone my arms up before wearing a dress to a gala.

    *I enter my food and workout here on MFP as soon as I get to work. I plan what I'm going to eat, and how much I'll work out. Then if I don't feel like going, I already know exactly what the end count is going to look like. And then I think, man if I don't get to the gym, I really shouldn't have more than a salad for dinner...but I really want to have a (veggie) burger tonight...guess I better get my butt to the gym!

    I'm having a terrible time staying motivated too, weekends are the worst! I do really good during the week and it all comes derailed and sometimes it'll go on into the week too :blushing:

    I think I need someone to stay accountable to as well, maybe we could start a thread?
  • cmurphy04722
    Ouch. I did write that haha. I have great ideas and start a lot of projects...just never keep them. Blerg.

    What should we call the new thread? Do people really keep up with the threads? Obviously I don't haha, but maybe it'll motivate me if others do it...
  • slenderwillow
    slenderwillow Posts: 7 Member
    Finally - someone else as good with excuses as I am! ;-) I have the same ambivalence when I look in the mirror.....sometimes I think I'm beautiful and other times I can't stand what I see. I too have the same reaction to stress, but my desk job doesn't allow me to exercise while there. My job is very mentally and emotionally demanding (I'm a child and family outpatient therapist) - by the time I get home all I want to do is crash in front of the tv and go to bed. I try to eat healthy(er) during the week b/c I know when I see my boyfriend over the weekend I'm going to splurge, yet somehow I find "reasons" to "treat" myself during the week. I often have no energy to exercise tho I know that if I make myself exercise I'll have more energy. Yes, the vicious circle strikes again.

    Lucky for me, I have a regular exercise activity - dancing. I take classes and am part of a troupe, which gives me extra practice a couple times a month. Right now it isn't much, but I feel better doing something I love - even if it's only an hour a week. My boyfriend is also extremely supportive - he checks in with me, and has changed his own eating habits in an effort to be healthier himself. He's the first person who has actively supported my efforts to lose weight and get healthier, and I find myself amazed at how much of a difference it makes.

    I feel somewhat hypocritical in offering you advice but perhaps in doing so I can take it myself. :-) I know what would be great for me is an exercise buddy, but unfortunately that isn't possible right now. Perhaps it would help you? I'm sure you've heard about adding in a few mins here and there, and I've found when I do that I feel a boost in my mood. I don't hesitate to have a couple drinks when I want, but I never seem to add those calories in to my food diary. Do you? I know when I see the numbers staring back at me I find myself motivated to do better.

    Time for work, and I'm feeling like I replied with a rant of my own. :-) I don't know if any of this will help, but I hope something does. Perhaps we can be each other's cheering section. *shakes pom poms* ;-)
  • cmurphy04722
    I could use some cheering :) Added you as a friend, sending a message
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Ouch. I did write that haha. I have great ideas and start a lot of projects...just never keep them. Blerg.

    What should we call the new thread? Do people really keep up with the threads? Obviously I don't haha, but maybe it'll motivate me if others do it...

    Not sure what to call it...but there's tons of groups on here that keep up with the threads! I know it would be a great motivator for me to talk to people on a frequent basis that use excuses just like me :embarassed: . I think it we could really help each other out!