Question? Not enuf calories = slowed metabolism.. really?



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    For example: If I eat 1000 calories and see I'm short by 200 calories. Does it matter if I eat ice cream for 200? Or if I eat grilled cheese for 200? Or if I eat hummus and pita for 200? As long as its 200 does it matter where it comes from in terms of meeting my caloric intake for the day?:frown:

    I go by the carb count....the lower the carb, the more likely I will eat it. However, I am not averse to eating some ice cream if I can fit it into my carb numbers. I only count carbs and calories and I have 60 pounds to lose as well. And I want to lose SLOWLY so the weight is more likely to stay off.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    This is a very helpful topic, thanks for all the information.
    Everyone is different, right? My metabolism is naturally different from yours. Ok, so I agree that under 1200 calories may be unhealthy for some, but couldn't it be ok for others? Calories are calories. Wouldn't eating healthy calories (fruits, vegetables, lean meats, grains, unprocessed foods) be more beneficial to most people's bodies, than eating 1200 calories of unhealthy foods?
    What about supplementing food with vitamins and other dietary supplements (fish oil or whatever you may be taking), would that be beneficial for some people choosing to eat under 1200/cal?
    Many here have already made drastic cuts in their calorie intake from what they were eating prior to our changes in caloric intake, why is 1200 the magic number for everyone?
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I'll keep it short.

    I underate and yes it slowed down my metabolism. However... 1200 is NOT a magic number. Everyone needs a different amount and to say that as long as you eat 1200 it's okay is wrong. So if someone eats 1199 they're in danger are they? Not the case.

    And yeah you're right, where it comes from doesn't matter, you'll still lose weight but it's a good idea to keep your macros in check.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    "Not enuf calories = slowed metabolism.. really?"

    Not true at all from my experience, less food = more efficient digestion, since your stomach doesn't have any problems in taking the food apart. Thought some foods take longer to digest, it depends on what you eat and in which quantity.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    I ate less than 1200 for about two months and was losing perfectly fine. Then I hit a plateau that was so obviously due to my lack of eating. Upped my calorie intake to my TDEE for about three weeks (did not lose anything as expected but thankfully didn't gain) and then I dropped back to 1200 but now i'm making sure to stay at 1200 and if I find myself being a bit under, I eat something small.

    It might work at the moment but you'll hit a wall eventually, which is not fun and definitely puts a damper on the "good" progress you've been doing. Just eat the proper amount, I don't think eating an extra slice of bread or a cup cereal will really be that much of an obstacle aha.