Hi I'm Melissa, I have over 100lbs to lose!



  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Melissa, I'm Kristina! I started out with having 220 pounds to lose, and now I'm down to having 174 pounds left!

    Add me if you'd like! I like having friends with similar goals!
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    My highest weight (pre MFP) was 318--I'm down 30 plus pounds with 127lbs to go; feel free to add me
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Your ownership of the problem bodes very well for your chances for success. One of my favorite MFP quotes is: "You can have excuses or results, but not both"

    Good luck!
  • Anticipated_Serendipity
    You can accomplish anything you set your mind too. I have 95lbs to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • JosianneC
    JosianneC Posts: 141 Member
    I am certain you will achieve your goal with due time! I wish you the best on your journey. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Melissat33
    thanks again every for sharing and encouraging and for adding me as a friend. I have never been public with my weight and still am very scared to say before I hit my goal weight I have a total of 181lbs left to loss like I said before I have no one to blame but me After a hysterectomy at the age of 30 I had heard woman say oh once u have a hysterectomy u gain alot of weight well that is true if u dont stay active and u probably have to move a little hard then most. I have come to realize that everyday is a new day to wake up an say today I will do my very best to get this weight off it didn't get on me over night (although it feels like it did) so it wont get off me over night either! I am super excited to get this healthy i have lost 24lbs so for in 2 months not as much as I would like but it is better then gaining 24 lbs lol anyways I hope this is the beginning of a great source of support for all of us!