How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day??



  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    the mindless constant sipping is what works for me. i have alot of those double walled cups with lids and straws. for some reason the straw is key for me. it makes it less painful (lol) to be drinking so much water in a day. and you kinda have to commit to drinking a ton everyday until it becomes second nature!

    I have one of these too and Love it!!!

    I use to hate water, still kinda do! lol

    When I first started I drank an energy drink (16 ml) in the morning (this was my coffee), water (20oz) after that, a coke zero at lunch (16ml??), water (20oz) after that, and a coke zero for dinner (which would last me till bed time 1 can (12oz?))

    I started replacing my lunch coke zero and dinner coke zero with water (20oz each)- found I became actually MORE thirsty so I drank more water throughout the day.

    Now I've replaced my morning energy drink with water and a wyler's light drink mix (10 calories, no sugar)

    I drink 10 to 15 oz of water a day easily now.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I make caffeine free peach ice tea and drink about 32 oz of that the rest I drink water but water gets boring so if I work out really hard I have a life water or a vitamin water, or 1/2 Gatorade 1/2 water and count that as water.
    You could probably drink caffeine free tea for all your 8 glasses and be fine.
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    i didn't read all the replies so i don't know if this has been mentioned but i recently started using 'reduce' plastic BPA-free reusable water bottles. i love them so much. Got them on amazon. they are 16.9 oz (same as a normal water bottle) but you can put them in a dishwasher. there is something about being able to grab a bottle of water that has helped me consume more each day. the set comes with 5 bottles and i try to drink 5 bottles a day (at least). most days i am able to do this.

    i also am a big fan of crystal light pure - no artificial colors or preservatives and it uses truvia and cane sugar. it only comes in the 'on the go' packs so i started out using 4 packs for a 2 quart container. then i went down to 3 and now i just use 2. so i mix it at 50% of what it should be. it still flavors the water but i don't like ingesting all those chemicals (even in the pure).
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I take a water bottle to work and a straw. I tend to drink more when i can just sip all day long instead of from the bottle. I drink at least 4 which would be 8 cups. Then when I am at home I like to put my waters in the freezer so they get cold and icy. Do whatever makes you like drinking them more. I drink easy 12-16 glasses a day! But its easy when you don't drink anything else! Plus if you start to drink that much, it becomes second nature.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I got a camelbak bottle(24oz) and keep it full. I quit drinking coke and other drinks.(Expect for my 1 cup of joe) I had a hard time at first. I was doing good to fill it twice a day. I worked on adding another bottle after a couple weeks of just drinking 2 bottles a day. I drank 3 for a couple weeks till that was okay. Then I upped it to 4. Now I drink about 5 bottles a day sometimes more. I carry my bottle with me everywhere I go. I take it in stores and even restaurants with me. For the first month or little more I was peeing constantly as my body got use to it, it stopped happening. Now I can't go without 4 bottles a day or I feel tired/cranky. So, I suggest carry a bottle, and sip. Gradually up how much as time goes on.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    I found that cutting out all other drinks (except my milk) and drinking water only definitely helped.

    I've learned to love water.
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    its such a myth to drink 8 glasses per day. Everyone is different. Depending on diet, exercise, lifestyle.
    I find it easy to drink water, sometimes i believe i drink too much though haha
    I bought a filter jug and 600 - 800ml bottles. They go everywhere with me and i have them all over the house. It just takes some getting used to.

    What i did about ten years ago to start the habit of drinking more water:

    - remove every other drink in the house and only keep water, it will force you to drink it.
    - using filtered water tastes so much better
    - drinking from bottle instead of a glass makes me drink more water.
    - If the taste gets boring squeeze some fresh lemon or lime into the water.
    - Limit caffeine to a morning coffee and maybe an afternoon one if you cannot live without.
    - Fresh squeezed juice. When i drink fresh vege/fruit juice (i bought a juicer) i find i need a lot less water in the day.

    Eventually it will become habitual and you wont be able to live without or even think about it, so don't worry if you cannot force yourself straight away :)