Help me, I'm drowning!!

I completely fell off the boat today...

Today marks my 55 consecutive log in, and also marks my first out of control binge. I'm talking over 3000 calories. ( yea, I feel nauseous )

However, tomorrow is a new day and I'm ready.

I thought I would ask the wonderful wealth of knowledge that MFP is for advise! Any crazy tips you have for the post day binge??

Thank you all in advance, and I wish you all the very best in your journeys :)


  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Ive been here close to 40 days, and i have sturday cheat days. I drink beer, have junk & enjoy it. Since i do that, i have no problem staying on track the rest of the week.

    we have to live.. if you deprive yourself.. well, this is what happens!

    (and im still losing!)
  • Jishmeister
    You're right, tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. Strive to make better choices and don't give up. Just take it one day at a time. :)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    i think you're doing the perfect thing which is tracking!
    everybody has bad days all we can do is just move on and know that god is with u !
  • joygwen
    joygwen Posts: 30 Member
    Drink some extra water because you inevitably ate extra sodium along with those calories, get in some exercise and give yourslef a break. You tracked it, you acknowledged it, now move past it. You're doing great!
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    Do you allow yourself any cheat meals? Typically, when people out of control binge it is because they are not allowing themselves to eat ANY of the food that you enjoy. Eat your favorite foods...just do it in small moderation. Everyone has bad days...just get on the wagon again and remember it is a journey!
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    G'day, my name's Casey and I'm a qualified lifesaver...
    Oh the amount of times I've said that, tehehe.

    I'd try and stick to mainly protein sources as the majority of your meals for tomorrow, and eat a bit less than normal. One spike day here or there isn't going to mean failure; it's okay.
  • Kate4911
    Kate4911 Posts: 24
    You guys rock, I love how supportive you all are!

    Yes, I do cheat meals, but just the meal. This was a five hour, eat everything AND go the the gas station for ice cream binge.
  • Kate4911
    Kate4911 Posts: 24
    G'day, my name's Casey and I'm a qualified lifesaver...
    Oh the amount of times I've said that, tehehe.

    Brilliant! :happy: :blushing:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    A few years ago after a day of normal eating I was out with friends visiting another friend in Hospital.
    On the way back we stopped at a pub for a meal pretty late (at the time I thought this was also an issue, turns out not these days) despite having eaten my calories already in the day. Ate enough that I was pretty stuffed after.
    I went to a local motocross track the next day and did a (for me) hard day's riding.

    Weight was still down by a good bit - and not all of that dehydration etc as it stayed a bit lower regardless of the very-bad day. So, I'll just sign that off as "carb loading" :).

    So, I'd say make use of that energy and try do a good bit of exercise (not eating it back today, of course.)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I dont do cheat meals.i mean, if you are cheating, whats the point of splurging on that meal, only to have to kill yourself in exercise later?

    Enjoy your day. Cheat once in awhile, but set yourself some rules... example.. "I will only cheat on the second tuesday of each month, IF ive lost 10 pounds.

    My personal is.. I cheat on saturdays because i have control, and i will not cheat any other time. and i live by this. Strange thing is.. yesterday, my cheat day was under goal. lol
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    It's in the past now - put it behind you and get back in the saddle tomorrow. We all fall at some point or another, just don't let it derail you.
  • Spitbubblr
    When you deprive yourself something, over time your body just caves in and attacks everything in sight. It's okay to eat pieces of chocolate in moderation. If you body is saying it needs something, don't feel bad about giving in to it. Your body deserves the best of both worlds. Tomorrow is a new day however :-) Feel better.
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    I had the same this weekend - family day out.... Took seperate food to be good and then end up eating loads of left overs at the pic-nic, I was also over 3000kcals!

    Still I then aimed to balance the week by eating less the next two days :-)
  • Darlin
    Darlin Posts: 17 Member
    When you go off, you just have to put it behind you and pick up and keep on keeping on. :) sometimes you just have to have an "off"day.. just remember to forget it and keep on going. :) You can do it! Good luck!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Also, 3000 calories can't be more than two days eating `1000 calories under?

    I used to do weekends a bit higher calories, and it did work, but maybe not quite as well as it could - sticking low saw me drop more weight a fair bit quicker recently.
    I'm planning to buy some friends dinner at a cafe/restaurant to say 'thanks' for helping me out with some stuff.
    Was thinking we could go and do some bouldering first (indoor rock climbing), as everyone is into it or wants to give it a go - that way not only am I using a good load more calories, but hopefully they'll build a bit of muscle too :).