suggestions? Help?

I need more ideas for food but the recipes need to be quick, simple and cheap. I'm a college student with a full time job so I don't have time to make a huge complicated recipe but I do have time to cook simple things. What do you all suggest and do you know of any really good websites that I can use?

I also have very limited fridge and freezer space or I would make food in bulk.

PS: I'm always looking for new friends. :wink: :smile:


  • healthykate78
  • healthykate78
    Anyone at all?.... :noway:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I keep it simple, boneless chicken breasts, tuna, lean lunch meat (ham or turkey) eggs, lots of vegetables, fruits, yogurt. Whole wheat wheat thins, brown rice, granola bars 100 calories or less. I use cooking spray for most of my cooking and bake a lot of things that I don't saute in cooking spray.

    Typical day's meals:
    Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with chopped broccoli and cherry tomatoes tossed in. A piece of fruit. OR 3/4 cup bran flakes, fresh fruits, 1 cup of skim milk.

    Lunch: Chef salad with 4 oz lunch meat, cukes, tomatoes, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, 2 Tbs vinegrette OR tuna stuffed tomato drizzled with lemon juice OR chicken breast sauted with broccoli, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, whatever veges I have around. AND a piece of fruit.

    Dinner: Chicken with zucchini bake, OR Tuna burgers, OR Salmon steak. steamed veges, brown rice. Occasionally I'll have lean pork or beef.

    None of my meals takes more than 10 minute to prep or 40 minutes to cook.

    I do snacks of string cheese, yogurt with fruit , celery with hummus, bean salad. Granola bar with a piece of fruit. Hard boiled egg. Pears with cheese. Things like that

    Does that help??
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Check the Recipe section here or for some great ideas.