Hello Everyone

My name is Kathy or Kat to my friends. I'm a 40 year old mother of 2 teenage girls. I work full time as an office manager and am in school full time for my bachelor degree in IT. Two years ago I had ACL surgery on my knee and gained 60 pounds! For the last ten months I have changed my diet drastically and am exircising 3-4 times a week. I alternate between weight training and trekking (tread mill class for 30 minutes). I have a trainer which I meet with an hour every two weeks. He is a young ex marine who kicks my butt to the point of puking!

I started my training in April of 2007 and lost 25 pounds by May 26th when I was married. Since then I have only lost 10 pounds and been at a stand still for months! My goal is to lose another 25 to 30 pounds which seems a daunting task considering my stand still.

As far as my diet is concerned I have cut all sugar out of my diet with the exception of what if found naturally in foods. I drink 3-4 bottles of water a day besides my herbal teas. I only eat light Wheat bread and pastas. I feel like I don't have anything left to cut out of my diet. I am getting tired of pushing myself with little to no results. My family are behind me but it doesn't seem to be enough as none of them are overweight.

Any help and encouragement from you would be greatly appreciated. I am at the end of my rope and feel beat up!



  • wicked0919
    My name is Kathy or Kat to my friends. I'm a 40 year old mother of 2 teenage girls. I work full time as an office manager and am in school full time for my bachelor degree in IT. Two years ago I had ACL surgery on my knee and gained 60 pounds! For the last ten months I have changed my diet drastically and am exircising 3-4 times a week. I alternate between weight training and trekking (tread mill class for 30 minutes). I have a trainer which I meet with an hour every two weeks. He is a young ex marine who kicks my butt to the point of puking!

    I started my training in April of 2007 and lost 25 pounds by May 26th when I was married. Since then I have only lost 10 pounds and been at a stand still for months! My goal is to lose another 25 to 30 pounds which seems a daunting task considering my stand still.

    As far as my diet is concerned I have cut all sugar out of my diet with the exception of what if found naturally in foods. I drink 3-4 bottles of water a day besides my herbal teas. I only eat light Wheat bread and pastas. I feel like I don't have anything left to cut out of my diet. I am getting tired of pushing myself with little to no results. My family are behind me but it doesn't seem to be enough as none of them are overweight.

    Any help and encouragement from you would be greatly appreciated. I am at the end of my rope and feel beat up!

  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    Welcome and good luck
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    Welcome and good luck
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi Kat, I think you will find many good healthy food ideas from everyone on here. I just started a few days ago and have spent a lot of time reading as much as possible on what foods work for others. I have had a history in the past of crash diets , and got very bored with the same old stuff. Being a diebetic now I can't crash diet, but have to learn Portion sizes and make it a way of life. I have turned to this site to help count the calories and portion size as well as cooking healthy. :smile: Trying to quit :smokin: to. Welcome and good luck:flowerforyou:
  • wicked0919
    Thank you for the welcome!
  • wicked0919
    Hi Kat, I think you will find many good healthy food ideas from everyone on here. I just started a few days ago and have spent a lot of time reading as much as possible on what foods work for others. I have had a history in the past of crash diets , and got very bored with the same old stuff. Being a diebetic now I can't crash diet, but have to learn Portion sizes and make it a way of life. I have turned to this site to help count the calories and portion size as well as cooking healthy. :smile: Trying to quit :smokin: to. Welcome and good luck:flowerforyou:

    My baby brother found out he was diabetic like my mother this winter. He almost died from shock. He has been tested regularly but they never caught it until he was rushed to the hospital. He has been on a diet since October and and has lost almost 60 pounds from diet alone. It is a different world once you find out you are diabetic. Just hang in there.

    Thanks for the welcome!