This plateau is killing me!



  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I am SO with you Sarah! My story is very similar to yours. I was a total of 184 at my highest and am now down to the 140s. At about 145 I started to plateau and UGH!!! it was so hard to continue. I actually quit for a while and gave up completely! But I saw the pounds start creeping back up and I didn't like that. So, I started watching again and began using MFP.

    I've also upped my cardio which really seems to have kickstarted the weightloss again. I am not one to run, or go to the gym (the closest gym for me is like 30 mins away anyway). What I've started doing is on demand workouts. It's something. And I try to take walks on my break when I can. I'm in PA so we have some nice weather yet. The winter is going to kill me because, like you, I hate the cold weather too! Good luck!!! And feel free to add me as a friend. I've found the more friends you have on here, the more support you have and the more motivated you feel!

    Ps. I'm 32 and WOW has my metabolism slowed down! I used to be able to eat and eat and not gain, but now I can hardly eat a thing and I feel like I've gained 20lbs (slight exaggeration!!!)
    Hi Sara,

    Just want to say I think you are doing amazing. Maybe just maintaining your current weight and letting your body get use to being there for a while until your next attempt. You are amazing just by giving it your all. Good luck with your journey.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I took a peak at your diary.. it doesn't appear you are logging your food every day - that is the #1 thing you need to do. If you aren't keeping track of what is going into your body, chances are, you are probably either eating things you shouldn't, eating too much, or eating too little. On the days you did enter food, it looks like you aren't eating enough.

    With all that being said, I hit a plateau for 4 weeks and it was driving me insane. I tried everything - increasing my calories, decreasing my calories, working out more, eating back calories, not eating back calories, etc. NOTHING worked.
    Finally, I did some research and I discovered Zig Zagging calories - I'm actually very surprised that nobody has suggested this yet.

    Basically, zig zagging means that you have one very high calorie day, followed the next day by a low day (example 1200 calories), and through out the weeks your calories vary every day - so you are never eating the same amount of calories twice in a row, and there is a large difference from day to day. This "Tricks" your body into losing weight, because you aren't constantly eating the same amount of calories every day. The plan works it out so for the week, you still have your deficit, and it averages out to the amount of calories you should eat to lose weight, but because of the zig-zagging, this really works.

    TRUST ME - I tried everything and this was the only thing that worked for me. After being stuck in a plateau for 4 weeks, after the first week of zig zagging, I lost 2 lbs, which was huge, all things considered, and in the last 5 weeks since then, I've lost over 6 pounds!

    Check out this website - you just put in your stats and it will give you the plan for the week:

    I really like it, because you can choose which day of the week you want to be your "high calorie" day, and customize it from there. So, for example, if you have an event to attend - that would be your high day. That way, you never feel like you are cheating, because you're not. And, since all of our lives are crazy, and some days we eat more than other days, some days we are hungrier than others, this plan makes a lot more sense than trying to eat the same amount of calories every single day.

    Good luck!
    *Edit* I see that since I started typing this response, some other people suggested this as well. You should really consider this option. It works.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member

    Tracking calories weekly instead of daily. I try to average 1590 calories/day. So one day a week I'll eat 1000, two days I'll eat 1200, 2 days I'll have 1500, 1 day I'll have 1800, and 1 day I'll have 2900. Your body doesn't know what to expect. Plus I can enjoy my weekends a little more.

    This is exactly what I was referring to.
  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    Check out this website - you just put in your stats and it will give you the plan for the week:

    Okay so I went to that site, keyed in my stats, but I couldn't get the calculator to bring up anything. I must be missing a step. HELP! I'd like to look into this.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Check out this website - you just put in your stats and it will give you the plan for the week:

    Okay so I went to that site, keyed in my stats, but I couldn't get the calculator to bring up anything. I must be missing a step. HELP! I'd like to look into this.
    Put in your stats and click calculate. You will then see your Maintenance, Fat Loss and Extreme Fat loss calories calculated for you.
    Below that it says "7 day calorie cycle". Click on that, and it will show you the zig zag calorie plan.

    If you aren't seeing that, then you are doing something wrong.