


  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    yes, "obviously."
    ....because people that DON'T want help, join this site, take time to type out their story and ask for help. right?

    check your ego, toots. have some class. for the sake of all people who ask for help on here, i suggest you take yourself & your attitude somewhere else. geez....

    the people that really want this, are backing up their words with actions.

    There is a very big difference between looking for information, looking for help, and looking to chatter and procrastinate action.

    Just because I am willing to state something that isnt sugar coated, does not make me lack class.

    Blindly enabling bad behavior however....

    Posting on here constitutes as looking for information and looking for help. To understand something, do you not "chatter" about it? Every person on this site has most likely enabled their own bad behavior at one point, correct? Poor personal skills and rudely responding to somebody asking for help, most certainly, makes you lack class.
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    As many people have said previously. DON"T GIVE UP!!!

    Take things slowly, work at your own pace, introduce new things every other day or few days. Keep at it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    yes, "obviously."
    ....because people that DON'T want help, join this site, take time to type out their story and ask for help. right?

    check your ego, toots. have some class. for the sake of all people who ask for help on here, i suggest you take yourself & your attitude somewhere else. geez....

    the people that really want this, are backing up their words with actions.

    There is a very big difference between looking for information, looking for help, and looking to chatter and procrastinate action.

    Just because I am willing to state something that isnt sugar coated, does not make me lack class.

    Blindly enabling bad behavior however....

    Posting on here constitutes as looking for information and looking for help. To understand something, do you not "chatter" about it? Every person on this site has most likely enabled their own bad behavior at one point, correct? Poor personal skills and rudely responding to somebody asking for help, most certainly, makes you lack class.

    I disagree.
    We have different ideas of what kind of conversation is going on here.
    We also have different perspectives on what constitutes rude.

    Be well :)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    yes, "obviously."
    ....because people that DON'T want help, join this site, take time to type out their story and ask for help. right?

    check your ego, toots. have some class. for the sake of all people who ask for help on here, i suggest you take yourself & your attitude somewhere else. geez....

    No need for the snark, I think. I agree with Toot's sentiment, it won't work unless you WANT the success. She speaks the truth.

    I do, however, believe that MFP provides more than enough Success Stories, advice, and motivation to possibly create that spark of "I CAN DO THIS" that she may need.
  • Seriously mood is just going down hill fast ,
    Hang in there. It get's better.
    I'm 19 1/2 stone and have been told I have to get down to around 12 (by Dr who is otherwise offering me no help and no support)
    Doctor's aren't supportive; they're informative. Look elsewhere for support and avoid the disappointment in your doctor.
    Trying the alternate day fasting thing but I keep getting thumping headaches
    This will pass it you push through it.
    I have three hernias and I have been told not to do the exercise I enjoy (kick boxing and grappling)
    Exercise is relative. We each have limitations for whatever reason and the key is finding exercise that fits within our current ability. Kick boxing is bad (for now)? Try walking. It's a better workout than you think.
    I don't know how the hell I'm going to do this , I'm sick of being in pain and after having people messing me around for the last few days and trying to deal with my son who's 9 and severely ASD , I feel like just throwing in the towel and pigging out and accepting the inevitable :(
    Sorry, but Yoovie is right. Anything that any of us have ever accomplished, we accomplished through adversity and great challenge, even sacrifice. We were able to do it because of our desire, our God given strength to persevere, our absolute NEED to get it done. You can do it. You just haven't found the thing that triggers your desire for it. You will.

    Your son is a gift to you. He's the most perfect son that you could ever wish for. He challenges you in just the exact way that you need to be challenged, and in meeting those challenges you experience real growth as a mother and as a women. In meeting those challenges you discover that you can do absolutely anything that you need to do.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Where are your hernias located? Better yet why have they not been repaired? hernias do not fix themselves and can lead to some very scary consequences if left untreated. I have bilateral groin hernias - probably something I was born with. They were not properly fixed on the first round of surgery and I've had one side fixed 3 times now, finally I have a piece of mesh there. I do still have issues with it bothering me. And the one thing I have found that helps - a good cardio workout. Not just a walk around the block, I mean a good 45 minutes and covered in sweat when I am done and it doesn't bother me. You may find it much easier to exercise after your hernias are fixed.

    Hiya , I have a hiatal hernia, an epigastric one (upper left side of abdomen and about palm size) and an umbilical one. The problem is the Dr is unhappy with doing the surgery unless I lose the weight and the problem is that they were all found in one go after a recent visit to A&E because my son had hit me in the stomach and it was far more painful than it should have been. I've had stomach problems for quite a while but have always been told that its just because I'm fat and if I lost weight it would go away . The Dr basically discharged me saying go away and lose the wieght and don't do what you've been doing for exercise but didn't give me any idea of what I could do . I think thats why I'm struggling at the moment because I always have done a lot of cardio vascular (2 hrs kickboxing a week and 2 hrs grappling + drills at home) which has helped keep my mood high, but having been told not to do that I'm trying to figure out what I can do (apparantly yogas a no no as well :grumble: ) ...If its ok I may well take up your kind offer and keep in touch re that because I don't know anyone else with any clue about what to do :bigsmile:
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    Yoovie , Your right , I don't want to do this , I want my life to be nice and normal and settled with no problems what so ever (but doesn't everyone) I know I have to do this but at the time I was writing the post I was having an 'Ittttsss nnoott fair' moment. Sorry if I caused offense x
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    You can do it! I DONT THINK FASTING IS GOING TO HELP YOU IN THE LONG RUN!!! If you want it bad enough, eat properly!! lots of raw/steamed veggies. Lean meats and water!

    hang in there :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    Yoovie , Your right , I don't want to do this , I want my life to be nice and normal and settled with no problems what so ever (but doesn't everyone) I know I have to do this but at the time I was writing the post I was having an 'Ittttsss nnoott fair' moment. Sorry if I caused offense x

    You didnt offend, sometimes we just need a little reverse psychology babe
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Bearman :love: Smallness is the apple of my eye and I will always love him but he's also human , I think the issue I have sometimes is that I get narked at not being able to give him the time and input he needs and deserves because of other people's behavior :noway: Should probably explain that one of the major things that had got me upset was that we got a sofabed so put our two sofas on freegle thinking that yes they should go to a good cause rather than the tip , spent all day washing all the covers etc and making sure they were clean and tidy for the person who wanted them who then never showed up to collect them and didn't contact me to explain/apologize/warn meaning that most of the last few days has been spent dashing around trying to sort out the mess rather than doing enjoyable vacation activities with small and I will now have to spend the rest of the week calming him down from the disruption:grumble: I don't mind being challenged but I tend to think that if someones getting something free of charge then a little politeness might not be an unreasonable request
    Other than that , all good points and I will try and follow all the good advice /motivational bottom kicking that I have been given by yourself and everyone else x x
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    Yoovie , Your right , I don't want to do this , I want my life to be nice and normal and settled with no problems what so ever (but doesn't everyone) I know I have to do this but at the time I was writing the post I was having an 'Ittttsss nnoott fair' moment. Sorry if I caused offense x

    You didnt offend, sometimes we just need a little reverse psychology babe

    Lol , Unfortunately reverse psychology doesn't work on me , when I used to smoke , I would start craving a ciggie every time the 'stop smoking' ads came on x
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Stop focusing on the weight loss. It sounds counter-intuitive, but weight is really not the point. It's about overall health; lose the weight to be healthier, not for the sake of being lighter. Think of weight loss as one effect of what you do rather than the ultimate purpose.

    So rather than thinking, "How do I weigh less?" start thinking, "If I were already healthy, what would I be doing?" Then start doing those things. It doesn't have to be a big sweeping change either (in fact, that can be overwhelming and discouraging rather than helpful). Just make improvements as you go along. If you drink three sodas a day, drink two tomorrow instead. If you never have vegetables, add some to your dinner tonight. Things that are so small they seem insignificant at first, really. Over time, the cumulative effect is a healthy lifestyle you never thought you'd be able to manage, and you didn't even realize you were doing it.
  • Bearman :love: Smallness is the apple of my eye and I will always love him but he's also human , I think the issue I have sometimes is that I get narked at not being able to give him the time and input he needs and deserves because of other people's behavior :noway: Should probably explain that one of the major things that had got me upset was that we got a sofabed so put our two sofas on freegle thinking that yes they should go to a good cause rather than the tip , spent all day washing all the covers etc and making sure they were clean and tidy for the person who wanted them who then never showed up to collect them and didn't contact me to explain/apologize/warn meaning that most of the last few days has been spent dashing around trying to sort out the mess rather than doing enjoyable vacation activities with small and I will now have to spend the rest of the week calming him down from the disruption:grumble: I don't mind being challenged but I tend to think that if someones getting something free of charge then a little politeness might not be an unreasonable request
    Other than that , all good points and I will try and follow all the good advice /motivational bottom kicking that I have been given by yourself and everyone else x x

    No need to explain Barmum. I didn't mean to suggest that you were not being a great mum for your son. Sorry if it sounded that way. I know a little of what your go through on that front and I salute you.

    I use a similar free stuff site and experience the same at times. Some folks are generally ungrateful and at time inconsiderate. On behalf of society at large, thank you for your caring heart in providing something for others.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    obviously you dont want to do this or youd be listing all the reasons that you CAN instead of all the things in your way.

    Yoovie , Your right , I don't want to do this , I want my life to be nice and normal and settled with no problems what so ever (but doesn't everyone) I know I have to do this but at the time I was writing the post I was having an 'Ittttsss nnoott fair' moment. Sorry if I caused offense x

    You didnt offend, sometimes we just need a little reverse psychology babe

    Lol , Unfortunately reverse psychology doesn't work on me , when I used to smoke , I would start craving a ciggie every time the 'stop smoking' ads came on x

    lol thats not reverse psychology not working. They said stop and you said no. If they'd said have one and you did - THEN it wouldnt work.


    actually, im not even going to get into this. I wish you all the best of luck. If you really want it, you will find a way. (even if saying that makes me rude and unclassy)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    try lowering your carbs.
    look into atkins, paleo/primal, south beach or something similar.

    it is a good way to see results fast, and you don't need to exercise.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Just to let everyone know , thank you for your support and things are back on track :) I think I was just having a waaaaahhh moment because I was tired and fed up but the sofas have gone and I spent the day having a good through house clean !