depleted bust

Recently read a quote about losing boobs saying it was just you returning them to their naturally intended size which i didnt really agree with. even before i put on weight my breasts were a 34B and at my heaviest they were a 36B, now i have lost 3st 7lbs (and hope to lose more) they seem to be disappearing even more than they were when i was thinner before. I didnt really gain anything in the boob area when i put on weight but now im losing weight my breasts are getting even smaller than they ever were.

It is really getting me down and would consider surgery if i could even dream of beng able to afford it when i reach my target weight as i am sick of wearing padded bras.

Has anyone else had this problem/know any ways to try and combat it/gain in this area whether it be food or exercise...



  • RKAY89
    RKAY89 Posts: 45
    You can make them appear bigger, or more perky and better 'set' for lack of better word.. it'll take some time, endurance, bit of pain.. you need to work on the pectoralis major (or, 'pecs' as more commonly known).. get some push-ups done, dumbbell flies, tricep dips (which will target your arms, shoulders, and chest).. etc etc.. lots of really good and effective exercises to improve how your breasts sit and how firm and perky they look xx
  • RKAY89
    RKAY89 Posts: 45
    Also, if you improve your posture, it will make them appear bigger/better.. work on lower back muscles and abdominals to help improve posture; there are lots of real advanced exercises for this, but for a basic, you could try back extensions.. also, under the 'chest' exercises, you could do chest flys.. if you don't know what these are, youtube them.. also, an amazing website, if you go on to you can search by body part and they will give you an amazing and seemingly endless list of exercises that you can choose from to suit you.
  • glitterysam
    glitterysam Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so much!! I am going to have a look at that site now that im on a computer :D I have been using some wee 2kg dumbells for my arms to try and sort out the flab so must look into some more exercises, perky would be good! padded bras are my life at the moment! But that will change :D I am determined to change my body and shape xxx
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    My I suggest you go to a high end dept. store and get properly fitted. I have always had large breast and after each kid they were even larger. I hate looking at my breast and depending on how depleted you are all the chest workouts will do nothing for your breast. Believe me, I speak from experience. I have get pecs but it has not made my breast fuller in any way shape or form. I want my fullness back so I am saving for my implant so I can be a perky DDD instead of a shaggy DDD.
  • RKAY89
    RKAY89 Posts: 45
    Well she had asked if there were any potential NATURAL ways to to do it, thus I provided them; not a guaranteed way but then what IS guaranteed. But yes, getting properly fitted would definitely help also.

    As I say Sam, it could work a lot or not at all, everyone is different.. and anyway, it'll make you feel better about yourself, which is the important thing.

    Doesn't matter what weight, just as long as the weight is right for you; but do make sure that you are pushing yourself enough (but not too much).. for strength gains, you should be doing between 1 and 6 reps, for size gains between 8 and 12 reps.. for endurance and TONING, anything above 12 reps (I like to go for 15).. and do 3 sets, which is average for a 'beginner', with a rest time of no more than a minute between sets, as you gotta keep the blood pumping, which will in turn aid in calorie loss.

    To know if the weight is right for you, you should be FAILING to lift your final 1 or 2 reps in your final set, this means that you are pushing yourself enough, but not so much that you can't even get past the first set! Ensure to do it in slow and controlled motions - you may see hard lads in the gym with their big 5 million kg weights, but if you watch them, they're blatently SWINGING it, which is not only going to injure you, but you're wasting your time.

    Hopefully you try it out and it helps a little at least :)